Too many variety of CC and it's too much

While I understand the purpose of CC in a pvp environment, I cant help but wonder why there are so many categories. When a monk stuns me in the face for four seconds, why can a rogue kidney shot me for another five seconds? If a shadow priest silences me for 3 seconds, why can a mage lock me out of a school of spells for another 4 seconds.

I’m just finding it to be a tad too much to learn all the different types of CC when other games are bunching them into a single category. There has to be some type of immunity to all cc prior to the crazy 18 second Dr that is currently in place.


he can’t, the second stun faces diminishing returns and will only last 50% of its intended duration. a third stun will last 25% and the fourth you will be immune until DR resets.

this isn’t other games, learning all this is part of the game.


Because may players struggle if they have to attempt to kill another player while said player is able to play the game. So these people need mechanics in place that ensure the other person in helpless for a win instead of making more skillful players or developing improved awareness and anticipation of play.


It faces Dr if it’s the same class of CC. I’m telling you, I’ve been stunned by a monk for 4 seconds and been stunned by a kidney shot for 5 seconds all in a 10 second window.

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We could say the same thing about all the Mobility spells.

Take CC out of the game and take out all the incredible Mobility spells. We’ll have a great time, the game will be easy, no skill needed.

No you haven’t- stuns share a category. It takes 18 seconds for a DR to refresh.

You may have been incapacitated by the monk where you thought you were stunned. Those operate under different DR tables.

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What? CC adds depth. Without it we are just pve’ing each other.


I think that is my ultimate point. Incapacitated means I lose control of my character. Stunned means I lose control of my character. Kidney shot means I lose control of my character. Why are they not all categorized as a “stun” when they do exactly the same thing.

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Any amount of damage at all will end an incap effect. That’s a tremendous difference.


There’s really not that many:

there are 33 stuns alone in the same category. IMO that is way too much for a game to have. Anyway, my opinion.

Have a nice day

Same categories DR with each other.

That speaks to the awesome size of this game though? What makes it easy is a stun is a stun.

Have you tried a moba? How many different heroes and different abilities and different items are there? For real man this game is complex but if you dumb it down it gets worse not better.

It doesn’t take long to learn what goes in what category. What helps is if alts are easy cause then you can play other stuff and learn from there.

Tldr cc is honestly pretty fine.

Did a skirmish yesterday against a rogue/mage/hpally. I instructed my partners to get into combat before the rogue found and sapped me, which they did. I came out of stealth healing right into combat, immediately got blinded so I trinketed it, which led to a 5-second pally stun (hammer of justice I think it’s called). While stunned a perfectly timed ring of frost was placed on me for a full 7-second duration, which was then followed by a sap (only 3 second duration).

So fifteen straight seconds of CC following what would have been a 7 second blind had I not trinketed it.

So for players crying about how OP healers are ruining the game; this is how you counter them. The game isn’t balanced around a solo dps blowing up a healer on a random BG, it is balanced around 3’s.

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One of Blizzard’s best ideas, and they don’t even have to say it, players say it for them. It is balanced around 3’s. That fixes everything, too much lag, IIBA3’s.:grin:

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i dont like that, bgs are a lot more popular they should tune around them instead of threes


I can’t argue with that. It is Blizzard’s fault that no one is running the pvp content that pvp is balanced around. Very simple fix; make arenas and rbgs the only way to get conquest gear and bring back conquest vendors. For an added bonus, have the pvp vendors actually sell pvp gear with resilience (I know that last one will never happen because the pve’ers who pvp casual won’t be happy and they are more important than we are).

I’ll admit that cyclone and mind control can be very frustrating. Mostly cyclone.

But I’ve had a panda priest combine racial with fear and mind control to keep me locked down as a healer for like 25 seconds and it was rage inducing. We were off on our own and my trinket was down but still.

None of that is as bad as getting stuck into a sap chain that blinds into another sap chain though.

No you didnt fake news

Also means you arent taking dmg