Too many "systems"

This game has too many gimmicks these days. Too many things that feel like requirements to progress. Theres no reason for it, and its actually causing people to get annoyed enough to quit. Blizz, you need to take this game back to something manageable. We want to kill things and take their stuff. We don’t want to see a million different bars fill up. Loot, upgrade, repeat. Keep it simple, not artificially complicated. That is all.


bruh… -

Remember when it was just talent system and gear? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Talent system and gear that’s just gear. What a great game that would be…


normally this is something i feel like i would disagree with, but god damn as a returning player the necklace levels, the cloak levels, the various new currencies this patch, the past reps i need for old essences, the mythic + i dont get invited to… god damn


You don’t enjoy dailies inside dailies inside dailies inside dailies disguised as “content” along with weeklies? With dailies inside your weeklies?


Even the white knights are changing sides. LMAO.


People have been saying this for a while now. Unfortunately they are basically told that its because they don’t understand/enjoy mmorpgs, even though this craziness was not around pre-WOD, and some of us have been playing mmorpgs when they were in diapers.

Mmorgs have always been about grinding, but now you can actually see the cog wheels of devs doing everything to slow you down. RNG on top of RNG on top of multiple farms, micro-changes/upgrades to gear, azerite, essences, corruption. on and on and on.


I love the feeling in Elder Scrolls when you just stumble upon things that are mysterious and adventurous, you can pick a direction and walk/ride and still have fun while finding things that are useful.

If Blizz could experiment with this concept, it could be good to have an escape from the constant “grind grind grind go go go” atmosphere.


yeah its not that grinds are bad per se

it’s that they are incredibly blunt and badly balanced for an enjoyable game experience

signifies tremendously out of touch devs or bosses/moneymgmt that is overriding the team for more metrics and revenue. Kind of a take everything you can from them before it dies.


Ya, this patch pretty much crossed the line for me. Wife has already un-subbed and I think I’m right behind her. This is just too much





minus the m+ i didn’t even bother with, that was me coming back a couple months ago for the deathwing mount. i thought i had done a 1 month sub, turns out I did a 3 month. I realized that last week when I logged into the launcher and there was still time on it. I pretty much said what the OP said on my 600 characters or less box. I see thanks to you I didn’t mention the currencies. Sigh.

I want to hope next expac will be simpler with less systems and currencies, but I doubt it. The only way these crap systems work is to retain the players they have (because no one wants to lose what you have put into it) but with inevitable natural attrition due to life changes and other interests, their numbers will still drop. With their penchant for overwhelming newcomers and returnees with overly complicated systems, they’ll never grow their population.


I have to agree with you. It has gotten out of control. The cloak is a perfect example, we should have weekly questlines that move the story forward to level it up, instead of some challenge mode thing.

They could have very easily put each Titan facility under attack with a questline of us going to fix it. There are so many that they could have used.


Agreed! It is pretty obvious the only things that are added to the game are for crazy profits.

Why did we need a rat mount for 6 months subscription? Because subs are way down.

Why do they keep introducing races? Level boosts…

Why do those defending Blizz not see the madness?


It’s a precursor to the Torghast “endless” dungeon thing that will be coming in Shadowlands. It’s just pathetic how it’s essentially required for progression in this patch. And it is mandatory if you want to do anything difficult. No serious guild, M+ or PVP group will take you if your cloak is not fully leveled. Its corruption resistance mechanic is far too important to just ignore, because corruption affixes do so much damage.

it is fine to do on 1 toon maybe, but who wants to do this garbage on multiple alts? Should be account wide or not at all. Same for idiotic essences like Blood of the Enemy, the rated PVP essence, etc. Who wants to PVP on an undergeared alt?


Vulpera and Mechagnomes allied races paired with a 30% off race change promotion. So shameless.


im agree, too many rented gimmicks, activision is pushing their claws up azeroth


Completely 100% agree. Simplify the game and it will be so much more fun. The extra complexity and systems are not fun at all.


If only that game had good combat and graphics and class design. I can say the same for GW2. Both have some neat ideas but damn those systems are so core to a game and WoW does those quite well which is why I keep coming back. But they can take cues from other games in other areas for sure.

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