Too many "systems"

The argument that MMOs are grindy has always been a dumb one because a cornerstone of WoW’s success was being the least grindy MMO out there.


Well that’s the thing though, you don’t have to worry about what you did or didn’t put into it because Blizz always puts in catch up methods that make it super easy to get back at a competitive level after being away from the game. The systems are stupid by themselves and even stupider in light of overall game design.

You’re right about catch-ups, but that wasn’t in my thinking at all. I don’t give an f about what other people have and I don’t. At this point, I’m content with just seeing the content, so I care about enjoying my time and when looking at just a few of the new things, and realizing there was far more, I couldn’t care any less to learn more about them to do them. I was speaking more about the ridiculous system of systems from the perspective of a returnee. It’s just another point of view to add to those who have been continually been barraged by all this garbage.

But regarding catch up - you only catch up to the basement and by the time you have done so, everyone else has gone just that little bit farther and you’re still left behind unless you are satisfied with low m+ keys and lfr - and don’t even think about pvp lol until the hard reset of an expac.


Yeah Elder Scrolls combat is horrible, I’m glad WoW at least hasn’t devolved into something like that.

However, we as players can make our own fun without so many things to do, I’m just not sure if walking back the grinds now would result in a sub loss or a sub gain.

I don’t think the WoW community knows what it wants from this game.


I agree, I was only just dipping in mythics, getting comfy and now it’s like 100000 other things I have to do.
They could have added all this stuff in and made it fun, not required and grindy.

I love everything about the patch, except having another system to worry about.
Can we please just go back to the basics?


And they were still complex enough to be fun and interesting.

I realize the devs have likely changed quite a few times over the years, but the game is really lacking a consistent vision from expansion to expansion. It was argued that the system in BC and Wrath were to complex, yet this current patch is an abomination. Even after watching a few videos on the patch, I still feel a bit lost. Like I get how they work and all, but why they are supposed be relevant to progressing the story is confusing.

How this design got green lighted is beyond me.

It’s weird how the best expansions in this game had none of this. What we have now is boring.


They know some people would want to race change so they made it cheaper for them and you are twisting that into a negative?

You would have preferred they left it the same and charged people more money?

Mahmorpaguhs are all about progressing towards a goal.

This current system is a play at socially engineering our participation to something manageable, an hour or two every night, no more, and certainly no less. If it takes x time to complete regardless of skill, ability, or gear, it extends the “life” of the “content”. They give you short term goals to make you feel like you’re getting rewarded, but keep the long term goals on a strict schedule to keep you subbed.

The problem is they’ve tacked too much on to this house of cards, and it’s collapsing. Players are seeing the strings. If I can’t play to progress my character, I log off. I log off enough, and I play other games. I get invested in other games, I don’t come back. So, you give an artificial and arbitrary daily amount of chores that takes just enough time to keep you from playing other games, but doesn’t let you play enough to finish before the next content drop.

It would be genius if it wasn’t so damn ham fisted and obvious.

All in all, it’s indicative of the shift away from being a fun and rewarding game and towards being a profit machine.


I think they come up with these convoluted systems to hide the underlying lack of real content.


It’s literally what players used to ask for.

Systems that didn’t reward neckbeards living in their mom’s basement botting/ account sharing their way to GM/ HWL.

And the desire to have something to do outside of raid days.

If you don’t raid, do keys, pvp in any way, or play 80% of the game, then you are right, there isn’t much to do!

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I think ion has no business running a game of this size or any game for that matter.


I’m the same way… I just returned, and besides the endless bugs, I AM enjoying the visions… enjoying the mythic grind again, catchin up on raids, etc… but, my goodness, the systems upon systems is insane. I want to play, and i’ll continue to do so, because of my love of WoW… but, doing mythics, then cape, then necklace, then essences, and the new raid coming out. I don’t have time to breathe in the game, it feels like. I really wanted to go ahead and gear an alt, and make it my new main, but, LORD, there is just so much that goes into making your character relevant now. I LOVE that there is a lot to do, but, again, all these systems upon systems is overwhelming for returning players!


Makes me glad they canceled 8.3.5 there would of probably been new legendary boots you have to upgrade by farming AP in some old classic zone with some BS improvised garbage low effort story line.


OP does have a point which is that systems have become overly complex at the cost of fun. Now it’s just complex systems on top of systems on top of more systems on top of the complex gear.

Nothing wrong with simply going back to the basics and look at what’s fun rather than what can we do to keep making the game more complex then it needs to be. Just bring back Tier Gear which everyone loves, keep it easy rather than this token and that token which converts to this token and another token to buy this item and that item which you can upgrade by getting another item to put into another system to upgrade it to a higher level item.

Blizzard should just take a nice like 3-4 year break and launch WoW 2 starting 1000 years after current WoWs events. The game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, it’s become way too bloated.


It was the devs that argued that…

This is a challenge? Didn’t realize punching a time card was difficult.


They could just bring back Emblems like we had in prior expansions. Simple as that. Go to dungeons, kill bosses, get emblems, buy gear. They could even do that to world quests, and make them reward emblems. It was less ovewhelming than these bunch of annoying mechanics.

I actually don’t mind the Azerite grinding because you naturally get them as you do activities, and they do give this sense of progression. Daily activities are fun because they keep the game fresh; at least it is not like in WoD where people would keep sheltered in their Garrisons.

But what is really rubbing me the wrong way about “Visions of N’Zoth” is how you need to grind for a currency to then buy an item that allows you to enter a instance where you get another currency. Simply having visions of a daily cooldown would be way more fair and less obnoxious.


Seems like everyone who is white knighting the many, many new systems is a casual player in a guild full of casuals that don’t participate in any competitive end game content. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But if the systems don’t affect you at all, then of course they’re not going to be a problem for you.


It seems tricky but it also isn’t.

I am a new player and I already see the parallel between the current Horrific Visions and the saving Chromie timewalking event.

Corrupted momentos are used like upgrades you can make to it. Essences and Azerite levels are basically prequisites.

Now the downside is, usually a new patch is a good opportunity to work on a new character and I am working on a little mechagnome monk that could. Getting everything for it… feels a bit overwhelming.

Plus side is I can work on most stuff in tandem.
As far as I am aware to ‘ideally’ perform well I need:

  • Heart to level
  • Essences for each role I want to play. Ideally for single and multi-target too.
  • Corrupted gear, with corruption bonuses that work with my specs.

To make it easier they have reduced the cost of the more annoying essences like the Nazjatar and Mechagon ones.

So overall I think it works out.

I do think back to when I started.
I thought WoW was too complicated for my brain.

@brainz The mount is tied in the with Chinese New Year, they have done this for a few years now… and the 6 months is optional, you can buy 6 months w/o the mount or buy the mount w/o the 6 months…or buy the package. *edited for typo <3 *