Too many players are leaving dungeons when legendaries don't drop

Memory of the Biting Cold. Drops off the last boss, so I have to go through the entire dungeon while paladins and warriors leave after the 1st and 2nd bosses. Had 7 different party members in one run this morning.

I’ve had this happen a lot. They are usually replaced nearly instantly. The only time there’s any wait is if it’s a tank or healer, and even then it’s pretty quick.

I don’t see what the big deal is, at all.

I know a lot of what I am going to say is probably being repeated in this same post, but hopefully I am at least bringing it all together in a single post. Hopefully a Dev will get the time to actually read it and suggest some basic fixes.

This system that Blizzard has in place right now for dungeons all around, is at this point a complete failure. It’s encouraging a highly frustrating and extremely toxic dungeon grinding experience that is punishing the players who are in the right and rewarding players who mistreat the rest of the members in the group. This is reinforcing selfishness and greed especially in tanks and healers which is terrible for the whole community. At this point 9/10 of the dungeons that I join the tank and or healer with leave as soon as the first or second boss has died. Leaving the rest of players to sit in the exact same que that they had to wait through to get a group in the first place.

The worst part of this, is that after 16 years Blizzards devs have already had these exact issues and inadequacies and solved them by employing simple methods. Move the most desirable loot (legendaries, trinkets) to the last bosses. Make the lockout for leaving a dungeon group longer. If a player gets booted from a group… don’t punish them with a lockout.

This actually is happening so much that I can tell on most dungeons which tanks are going to loot and leave by the path they are taking to get to the boss. I was just kicked from a group after asking the tank several times directly if he was going to leave after the first boss and he refused to answer. So I tried to be proactive and kick him from the group for some semblance of justice after the hours of wasted time i’ve been forced to endure because of this behavior. Instead the other 3 players kicked me from the group and I got a 30 minute lockout. It’s extremely frustrating to see the same mistakes in dungeon design that we have had before and the devs have fixed before, be implemented again. This needs to be fixed.

How? I’ve never had a group fall apart because someone left… unless someone refused to reque.

I hoped people could be better.
Now I hope Bliz puts the lego effects on the last bosses.

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This problem is actually out of control at this point.

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Make it so you have to stay to the end to get a leggo. Problem solved.

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They just need to bring back the old deserter debuff. Don’t leave a dungeon or get deserter, don’t care if a boss is defeated and didn’t get your precious item. Everyone else is in for the same thing.

Irony is, they told us there was no RNG involved with legendaries and we’d get to craft the ones we wanted.
Instead they just added another step after RNG. lol

This is, IMHO of course, a terrible idea.

Making the powers drop at the end of the dungeon seems much more appropriate to me.

Yes I think Dev really need to do something about it,
either punishment for leave the dungeon before it’s finish no matter how many boss you kill and at least 30 min and above or set the legendary only drop on last boss…because we have to be fair for people who have to stay until finish, because for sure , a lot of newbie will lose interest and piss off, and as return player will going to AFK and leave the game for this reason, and for people who doing this trust me, there is karma, and if your life is miserable don’t blame other people because you are selfish Basxxxd .

And if WOW Dev really care…I going to tell you guys , this really is a serious issue…if you still want to keep player.