Too many hunters

You know what I feel like we don’t see enough of? Monks.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

And again…if you think Disengage, Misdirect, Turtleshell, interrupts, etc isnt defensive, you have NO clue how to play hunter

I thought I heard someone mention hunters.

That doesnt surprise me. In this thread alone what Im reading is “I have NO CLUE how to play my hunter”, just by at least a couple posters here pretty much admitting they are entirely clueless about how to use their defensives. lol.
$100 says they dont have /petfollow keybound/macroed either, lmao…and certainly havent even considered putting Move To on the keyboard anywhere.

Pet management is nearly always the one thing I see where hunter players suck 100% at.
The other major issue is using that stinking Barrage and pulling half the frikken dungeon, lmao. If one has to take that trash ability, geezus crisco, learn when to use it and when not to. lmao

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Ok level 10 hunter. I’ve been maining hunter since Wrath but you clearly know better than me :upside_down_face:

perma blocked for trolling/wasting my time.
Learn to play hunter son…watch a video if you need to.

Nah, just that if you don’t post on your main, you clearly have something to hide. Also, no one calls Aspect of the Turtle “Turtleshell” lol.

They hate us, but we’re usually one of the last ones standing when the bosses die.

So when you get rezzed and grab your lootz be sure to say thank you and pet my Lust beast.

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yeah…youre perma blocked for trolling…and being clueless and maybe lying as well, lmao
No one should take advice from you about hunter…that much is VERY clear…

There’s a lot of Rogues too, my guy. You just don’t see them because they’re stealthed.

That’s been your Dad joke of the day!

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LMAO…the list just keeps going on and on :joy::joy::joy::joy:

but but but…you know…NO ONE calls it ‘turtle shell’

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

imagine coming to the forums and making a complaint about a certain class with the underlying shade of hoping something will happen to decrease the population of said class.

people play hunters because they are fun. how about you ask a question about the real problem here? like, how come i dont see many of other classes? or blizzard, why cant you make other classes fun?

see how easy that was?

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Is this post like 10 years late or something?

I actually don’t think hunters are that common anymore. They were once a very popular class indeed but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. I see more warriors, rogues, and demon hunters. During BfA and SL, we had so many warrior, demon hunters, and rogues in the guild that our raid leaders actually offered to pay a hefty lump of gold for people to reroll or use different classes lol.

You have way too much time on your hands lmao. Never heard a single person call it that in game in 14 years.

EDIT: Or since it was renamed that from Deterrence, before you go “AKCHUALLYYYY” :woman_shrugging:

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I’d make the same complaint about warlocks, except that I really, really liked playing one.

Fix my voidwalker so that it uses torment on cooldown like hunter pets growl and I’ll play my warlock more. as it is now my tank pet doesn’t hold aggro enough to actually tank.

In dungeons? I see them at least 30-40% of the runs I do manage to get in the mood to run.
I see them all over DF in the world as well.

It’s one of those classes that helps compensate for my lack of skill as a player.


oh for the love of…did the screw voidwalker up now?
Been a bit since Ive been on mine much.