Why are there so many hunters? I’m sick of them. 90% of the time if I see a random player it’s a hunter. If I queue for a dungeon a hunter is on my team
Just take a deep breath and enjoy the carry.
Because Hunters are quite easy to play in pretty much any kind of content – dungeons, PvP, solo questing.
Yeah must be hard to afk and have your pets do the most single target in the game
Maybe hunter is just a fun class that is also easy to solo content, so casuals like them too. Nothing wrong with that, just enjoy the game.
How original to be so unenlightened.
They’re easy to play for decent deeps.
Did somebody say…
I’m actually surprised how often I feel like I’m the only one bringing (beast) pets/companions to an open-world mass gathering in DF.
Idk when I started WoW I thought it would be really cool to have pets that you fought with. Probably why it’s so popular.
I ended rolling a warrior bc I thought it would be a lot cooler to kill stuff with a giant axe, but the thought was still there.
Pets and shooting things = fun, or something.
easy and fun. and great for soloers
My mains since vanilla have been rogue to druid to warrior to now hunter. as I get older I want a simpler rotation i guess
Kiewie uses MD on Rogue in group chat.
Here is a Barrage for you. And a Barrage for you!..And yep. A Barrage for you to!
Because we can solo just about every elite and non raid level boss in the general world.
Part of it is every time a new player asks “what class should I start with” the concensus is “hunter!”
Then people complain there are too many hunters played by folks who haven’t learned the ropes yet.
Start telling newcomers “rogue” and soon there will be two inexperienced rogues in every group.
Hmm, haven’t seen any good hunter hate in a while now…
I am going to make a hunter just because of this post
Easy to play, good damage, great defensives, high utility, high mobility and little to no cast times, all kinds of pets, etc. They got it all.
And from their non account wide cheevos the OP will be one of them
Except taste.