Too many buttons. Holy Priests

omg @ you people and your mousover heals…

howw about … target last target

target last hostile

target previous enemmy

target previous ally

target group member #1-4
target focus target…



I kinda am really mad at you all for being so dismissive

Mousing OVER stuff has nothing to do with either clicking or the number of buttons and the lack of space for other important stuff

like the rainbow generator toy on a button slot.

So unless you have something constructive to add or less condescending to say I still won’t change my mind.

It takes me all ove .00002 seconds to target ANYTHING on the screen and i can still run, cast, and LOOK AT THE PRETTY SKYBOX all at the same time. So don’t talk down to me about that.

Plz have a nice day if you don’t care about how there are tooo many buttons. Love and peace to you all.

That is a super fair assesment Saltharion. Thank you.

The number of buttons is fine for holy priests.


And I’ll be ignoring Execute.

Yeh I had to go buy a razer naga so i could have another 24 buttons to press lol


Ok i checked your raiderIO and you seem to actually play the game. So you have some idea about what you’re talking. I highly doubt you have over 40 binds. Perhaps you do have over 40 binds but those are not only spells. Then perhaps change your binds a bit without asking to ruin the game again? Players have become such Karens i swear to god.

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I’m not going to stand by idly while other people seek to destroy my fun in content that doesn’t even affect them, you don’t need every ability bound for LFR and world content, trust me, I have looked at a certain commenters BfA raid history and they haven’t stepped foot outside of Ny’alotha LFR yet here they are pretending like they know best for everyone else who plays the same spec as them.

People like me who primarily PvP NEED these abilities in Arena, I absolutely need to keybind SW:Death and SW:Pain to my bars (why do you think Disc never lost SW:Pain and Premonition?), I am not viable without it, however you do not.
The last fight in the game that hard CC’d you was mythic Nythendra in Emerald Nightmare and breaking CC with SW:Death wasn’t going to counter that mechanic so you would have been fine regardless.

You may think you have a point but the only point you made is that you’re a selfish human being who only thinks about themselves.

I am so sick to death of having to justify to everyone why I’m not Disc in Arena when Holy is perfectly viable to rank 1 and has been since Legion just because Holy has been plagued by the most casual of casual players who freak out the moment they have to press a damage button that takes more thought than Smite (and yet none of them ever raid current content outside of pug and guild heroics where that question doesn’t matter).

The answer is simple, if you don’t want to use it don’t bind it.


Good lord Raider IO has destroyed people. Do you legitimately think that whether or not someone has played a particular tier of a particular expansion in a 16 year old video game has the slightest bearing whatsoever on their ability to think critically about game theory or UI design? Because if you do, that is either incredibly funny, or incredibly sad.

The fact you NEED another half dozen abilities to function in Arena is a sign of a poorly designed core kit. Whether or not someone prefers 5 keybinds or 40 keybinds or 80 keybinds is a subjective issue, because preferences are preferences, but requiring 80 keybinds to create interesting gameplay when other games manage it with a fraction of that speaks of lazy, sprawling, antiquated design. There is very little of Holy’s Kit that is presently interesting or synergistic, just more buttons doing more things. That’s a legitimate criticism, and has nothing to do with wanting the spec to malfunction as a consequence of being pruned.

The amount of people who think playing Simon Says with their keybinds is the height of encounter or game design is truly baffling, but have at it, I guess, if that’s what floats your boat. Maybe you can take your Raider IO score to your next job interview or date. Blow their socks off.


The game has largely seen a dumbing down though. Classes had way more abilities they did 10 years ago than they do now on live. Holy Priest is just reverting back to its original toolkit they had back in WOTLK (minus Mind Sear/Mind Blast).

I’m aware of what the game looked like 10 years ago. I played in beta and I played at launch. The game then was seen as a “dumbing down” of Everquest due to the fact it was incredibly more forgiving and dramatically lowered the barrier to entry. I think applying the term “dumbing down” is a bit misleading here, because it directly assumes that “more buttons” automatically creates a more complex, more interesting, and more rewarding game. I used DOTA in my original example of a game that on a micro level is far more complex and has a far higher skill floor than WoW has ever had, despite employing a fraction of its keybinds. If I wanted to abandon genre altogether, you could point to classic arcade games as being monolithic tests of skill and timing that required virtually nothing in the way of player input besides a stick and one or two buttons.

I think having an expansive toolkit is fun, and contributes to class fantasy aspects. This is, after all, still an RPG and hasn’t fully completed its gradual shift into a lobby loot grinder like Diablo. I’m generally in favor of the unpruning in principle. But I think Holy Priests, along with many other specs, could seriously benefit from a core overhaul that shed some ability bloat and re-designed elements of the kit so your complexity was coming from spell interplay rather than just “Yay I have more buttons to press, the game is no longer Dumbed Down”.


As I said earlier…

Holy will always have the most buttons because of how it works with holy words. Even in BfA, Holy had the most out of all 3 specs. Unless they revamp the spec which they’re not doing, get used to the number of abilities you have.

The original trend was that you got new abilities every expansion. Priests got Shadow Word: Death and PoM in BC. WOTLK we got Guardian Spirit, Binding Heal, and Power Infusion baseline. Cataclysm was Chakras… etc. Eventually that just completely stopped and they gutted every class in Legion and we’re supposed to be jumping for joy to have our old toys back. I mean… it’s a joke that Power Infusion and Mind Soothe are our new expansion abilities when we had those since Vanilla (PI was a talent).

When I play alts… the amount of buttons you need to press largely revolve around a 3-4 button rotation. My Paly tank has 3 buttons I push for damage and when I build 3 charges I push 1 or 2 as my choice. It’s the same for just about every class ingame. They’re so horribly dumbed down that some are just considered brain dead classes. The game used to have so much more complexity, but it shifted towards the casual players.

Holy doesn’t have any filler buttons that are just complete waste of spaces and each one serves a purpose. I always macro’d my damage + healing spells together.

Yeah, that’s why I think Holy needs an overhaul. Unfortunately they seemed to have ignored Holy as they always do.

I personally think the Holy word mechanic is one of the most boring ways of healing in game and it actually holds the spec back. How does Holy have all these buttons but it’s still the worst priest spec in all aspects?

Talk about badly designed.

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Holy Priests actually moved to the #1 healing spot on the raiding logs.

If you’re talking about prepatch, I would take that with a grain of salt.

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The data doesn’t lie. The spec has seen some major overhauls since pre-patch and I’ve experienced all the changes in M+, raiding, and PvP. It’s in a way better position than it was before by far.

Holy Priests are also extremely popular from what I’ve seen. I ran 20 hours of dungeons to level my Paly tank and at least 70% of the groups I was in had a Holy Priest healer.

Yeah I’m going to have to disagree with you there. Both that the game was once incredibly complex and somehow skidded into casualness (Mythic Raiding and high end content is by order of magnitude more complex and demanding than anything that existed in the game for its first 5-8 years of existence), and that the hallmark of class design or complexity is necessarily determined by how many buttons there are to push. That latter strikes me as a ludicrously regressive argument, and doesn’t address any of the examples I previously provided.

I’m not going to claim Blizzard always hits it out of the park with their re-designs, and once the ability interplay provided by the artifact weapon was removed at the end of Legion many specs felt hopelessly gutted (as they should, because half their design was removed). What we’ve had since is Blizzard running themselves in circles trying to re-create half a wheel every expansion cycle in the form of borrowed power that leaves specs feeling fluid and interesting, despite the fact their core toolkits weren’t created with this design paradigm in mind.

Anyway, I digress. “More buttons” =/= “more complexity”. There are other, better ways of getting there.


Just don’t confuse it with the Disc bug where atonement was broken for a while for leveling. It’s fixed now so who knows if what you are experiencing remains.

I mean: you could end up with the overhaul like the Holy Paladins got that dropped them from the top all the way to the square bottom of the charts so be careful what you wish for.

Holy has a near complete toolkit that lets them respond to just about any kind of encounter ingame.

I had a few Disc Priests as well, but for the most part it was always a priest healer in my group. I didn’t even see a resto druid until I was like lvl 40.

love my lil razer with 5 ez to get @ buttons!!!

Yeah plz consider my raider IO for like all the time and different expansions.

Nylotha IO is lulz cuz corruption on tanks was lulz its dumb to go by that IMO…

I am a legendary EPIC MMO player. I played EQ, AO, DAOC. I pownd in QUake 1-3 and TF and I was a godlike Counterstrike player.

I am pretty much qualified to develop the next expac for WoW.

There’s too much buttons. Clean up the mess some. I’m not saying DEprune or4 take away abilities. I’m sayin bake them toghether, streamline it. Ask urself what really matters in a dmg spell for a holy priest and maybe roll them into a quick SW:Pain multi use proc ability.

If you don’t think there’s tooo many buttons, I think by this point I understand your argument and my recommendation to blizz still stands, and I respect that u guys need dots and funky interupts for pvp. U should have those for sure. Like especially on the PVP talent tree :smiley: <3

I will say the overall consensus is lots of moar lots buttons, but its like a 54/46 split lol. Not much of a real consensus.

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I don’t think “we could get a bad overhaul” is a compelling argument for never overhauling the class. I also don’t think class design and functionality are defined by their pre-expansion beta sims.

We have an expansive toolkit, but we also lack mobility and survivability. Could use a better tank cooldown as well. Maybe another 12-14 keybinds will get them there lol. You guys will be loving it.

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