Too many buttons. Holy Priests

Yea, mouseovering is really not my playstyle. Castsequence macros I could probably reluctantly consider, but then again when knowing that PvP is asynchronous and very agile when compared to a steady and predictable PvE, the hardcoded sequences are just not going to cut it either. The only macros that pass my stress tests so far are those that combine a GCD ability with an off GCD one, but even then the off GCD abilities are too few to fit with every GCD one, so I still continue learning Disc which has manageable number of abilities and avoiding Holy like pangolins in the wet market.

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If you dislike macros and mouseover I have no idea how you’re going to find Disc more manageable than Holy. They have only a few less abilities, and you need at the absolute minimum contextual heal/harm macros or you’re going to drive yourself bonkers/lose a lot of time target switching.

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I used to be a click and caster, but I switched over to mouse over. It took me like a week to get adjusted. If you want to properly dps and heal at the same time its the only feasible way unless you like reclicking or tabbing back to the mob you were just attacking.

So yeah, I literally have every ability bound to a key press. 1-4, qwer, 5tgb, zxcv and the alt key, shift key, ctrl key and shft asdf etc

i literally have access to every ability, targeting and interface panel, at the press of a fingertip without moving my typing hands.

I am the gigachad of keybinds.

i literally use them all i spent all the day dpsing and healing instances on my holy and while i can do good @ both in holy i still dont like the changes

I still want less dps options and more streamlined gameplay

my wrists don’t even hurt

I would rather have room in the game for stuff like potions, bandages, clickies, gear, covanent abilities, more cc, less tab spam dots. It’s dumb and not fun to me.

it still looks like spaming smite/holyfire is the best option outside of masss pulling like 10 mobs which will happen a lot less in shadowlands, we’ll only bust out SW:P for those pesky add fights were a ton of harmless little guys spawn ans swarm the screen

Glad you guys and girls like it )

It’s still, personally for me, and from a professional neckbeard and gamer standpoint. Still WAY tooo many #$$G-AMN buttons

the new spells didn’t improve the dps potential that much and its just kinda sad in general yawn ---- in reality it just eats up more gcd’s from useful moves ----

one thing real gr8 is PW:Sheild very nice highly recommend )

I rarely click to target unless its like 1 reaallly very extremeely important mob or player in a sea of players and it would take longer to assist or tabtarget it it never was hard to dps/heal at the same time

holy dps still sorta sux if u spec out for heals and focus on healing essenses and traits. it will never ‘really’ matter.



Count them, you can take your socks off and use my fingers and toes if you need them. It’s basic math…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Also people aren’t the class they play. I have a Druid and play it, the Idea that youonly have the class you are posting on is asinine. Your druid is also not even max level, so how would you know, you don’t even have all the buttons yet. :laughing:

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Never had an issue with target switching. And Disc having only a few less abilities is good enough for me, because there are really quite a few less. But ultimately the issue is with the design buggerup requiring healers to dps introduced in legion, which affects all classes’ healing specs, not just priests, and I really miss the times where a Disc and Holy were, you know, Healing specs, which meant dps were really implied to be strictly limited to throwing SW:P occasionally, not going full Mind Sear on their mass, which by the looks of it has only gotten worse in SL and I can’t say I’m pleased about that.

And this is what is exactly so wrong with this spec, class, and even the Healer role itself. Taking a week to get adjusted to what should be a quick 15 minute ability shuffling, following up with couple of hours to feel fluent doing it like you’ve always done it, is frightening. And regarding dpsing and healing at the same time pretty much boils down to the major design flaw listed above as a whole, but if I were to continue having a serious commitment and making a contribution towards winning a group goal, whether its a PvE or PvP, I see no other option than just pretending that Mind Blast and Mind Sear is not there at all while I’m Disc, and use pre-SL rotation with an occasional SW:P as per the above, but I swear on my T’uure, the moment anyone, anyone tells me I need to put in some dps, I will bring up my second toolbar, with nothing but Shadow Spells and PW:S on it that I have prepared specifically for such occasion, I will use them and only them with pokerfaced expression, and I will enjoy every moment of doing it until more people understand how messed up this whole Shadow “Just another button ahah!!” Lands situation is, and start reflecting it correctly in the forums and backing up those that highlight its absurdity instead of telling them that “SL is Fine. It’s Fine. We’re all Fine.”


And that’s exactly how you’ve just cemented my point about having too many buttons to click, because logically if I am not even max level, and I am already struggling with allocating the humongous arsenal of what-you-not on my toolbars even while using macros, then by the time I will get to max level, I’m forecasting to have around 5-10 more buttons to press, and given I am already struggling with the sheer complexity introduced by an overwhelming number of utilities, then it is only going to get worse as I reach a max level, and now that I really think about it, I may as well pass on doing alltogether, even though initially I really wanted to.

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What specs do you play as a Druid? Or what specs do you not have an interest in?

I may be able to share some of the Druid macros I have that may be able to help you. But I don’t want to drown you in a massive list of macros if you don’t have any desire to utilize them based on both their complexity and multi spec functionality.

Strange, because mine is max level and I have no issue at all… :stuck_out_tongue:

This gets easier once you are used to what tools you have at your disposal and have used them frequently, just need your muscle memory to kick in.

Yes, totally agree. I switched to Disc because of this. You cannot play holy now without massive Macros. If Macros are now necessary to play a class then the Macros should be provided. Why not provide a built-in Macro library in game and have players populate it themselves? Then make it easy for players to find them and add them to their bars. Something like that.


Macros by their very nature are very malleable and can take any shape or form and can go in all different kinds of directions. Then when combined with different spells to act a certain way for certain conditions just leads to an unlimited array of options. This results in just no way to provide X macro and have it be the best end all be all.

That’s why they just provide all the different conditional options and leave it to the player-base to go wild experimenting with all the different combinations.

This is something I personally find a lot of fun and joy in experimentation and just seeing how much work I can make a macro do while keeping it simple and compact.

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Just do heal/harm macros for the shadow spells.

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no i am not ‘just doing healharm macros’

i dont mousover as i target with the keyboard, i’m busy watching the left field with my mouse so i don’t get a suprise tentacle

druids honestly werent nearly as bad to play as the extra buttons only came into play when u switched forms occasionally for a bit of kitty swipes or something but that was back in cata

insert jpg of cool IRL priest we aren’t allowed to post. Caption: The amount of buttons is too expletive high.

fix ur game blizz

(btw its playable it is just not as fun as it used to be) (for holy)

honestly i feel like the majority of pro-button comments are low quality players who just spam two or 3 keys on their hotbar and dont even pay attention to how the game works and stand in the puddles designated by raid leader, i seriously doubt they could compensate on the fly if blizzard did somehting really skill increasing — introduced dynamic or variable mechanics, once, which cannot be predicted by a video or boss ability list.

Furthermore when bartender4, vuhdo and healbot break, they are crippled for two weeks and just ‘log out to play their epic prot pally or war or dk’

I have met lots of the above and they want to play wow classic more then retail (bfa, SL) but i honestly dont think they have the chops, they stand around in raid blaming everyone else for wiping but they typically die about 3 minutes into every fight.

I can compensate for the more buttons, but I will promise u this: Those more buttons didnt increase the complexity or potentcy or really enhance the mechanics of DPSing as a healer.


They would have to rework holy for this to be a thing. As we all know a big part of how the spec works is the Holy Words mechanic.

Those more buttons didnt increase the complexity or potentcy or really enhance the mechanics of DPSing as a healer.

It is literally two more abilities to spam on GCD if we feel like using two GCDs which in any real tough fight were a little extra dps may matter doesnt. So we get two more GCDs to spam during turret phase on single boss fights were there’s no mechanics lol. It didn’t do anything for us. I do 500 more DPS with the squish.


I’m just reading the thread here and I play Disc and Shadow more anyways…but, I’m trying to get this right:

Your an admitted clicker and keyboard turner that is accusing other players that use macros and enjoying having more buttons of being “bads that stand in fire and die easy”?

Are you sure your not letting you personal preference and bias guide your thoughts astray here?

you obviously didnt read the thread and don’t know how i play my class, i have everything macrod via the game interface to KEY BINDS and mouse binds ya doof. Everything has a button click away. I don’t need to click then mouse click like you seem to think.

There are literally not enough buttons on the bar for all my practical chosen abilities + the ones i normally use. The problem isn’t clicking them the problem is putting stuff on an every decreasing bar space that leaves no room for anything fun outside of clicking Shadow spells on a Holy priest. I have non-combat macros because I am not a brain dead zombie in a operant conditioner like most macroquesters are. Aka a skinner box and yall got a dopamine hit because u got more premade buttons back that u used to have when the game wasn’t as good ability and flavor wise lol.

Go troll elswere.

They should have but not the holy words, they should have reworked the 3 dps options we already had and the 1 or two talented options to make them interract more with our baseline holy dps options. It would have taken all of… 2 hrs to do the pre-tuning part which they havent tuned anything yet practically.

But honestly they just templeted the depruining and now they are busy doing covanent tuning this will not happen until after SL if it ever did. The covenant tuning is invariably way more important than the buttons we got, but all that work will be going towards tuning extra… fluff, but its not even fluff because its a shadow spell for a shadow priest not a holy priest rofl (

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I’m not sure how you guys would have handled previous expansions if you think the amount of buttons we have now is too much. The first thing I noticed when I tried the new Disc is how little buttons you have and it’s not a spec anyone can just jump in and play to begin with because it requires being able to balance dpsing & healing at the same time. I didn’t even learn how to properly manage this until I switched to mouse over macros and trained myself to start DPSing constantly in dungeons.

No one is really saying mousover macros are bad or dpsing is bad. The merit of doing that is still fine regardless of how ever many buttons there is.

It does not have any bearing on how cluttered and messy the UI is.

There are ways to play the game with/without both having options…

But does two more dots on GCD really make us better “Holy priests”.

So far none of u have been able to change my mind, now I play pretty casually and the extra dots shine more at the easy end of gameplay spectrum then the higher end were its more important to keep guardian spirit rolling on the tank.

Whatever. You guys are all missing the point and focusing on “how you want to play the game” there is a lot of “I want to play this way and its fine” not…

Is this actually good for the game. Does this make holy more interesting…

I’ll tell u one thing, blizz could do right now that would make things better in general for newbz would be to put a [x] mouseover checkbox cast in the main interface UI options, but that is not the problem. There’s still more buttons then an SR71 with a full nuclear payload and a pension for suborbital fight.

..mousover casting does not decrease the ammount of buttons goin on________ and useless dps options in general cuz we are slammed back up against the GCD wall anyway no matter how fast we can quickly cast a dot on a mob. So what. It’s still a shadow spell. It still doesnt change the game in a meaningfully better way. (except sorta for pvp) but i digress there were alternatives to just shoving SW:Pain back on the bar for EVERYONE.


Mouse over spells increase your efficiency because you’re not clicking and casting which saves you like a 0.2-0.5s each cast. Also, you do not have to detarget your current target to select somebody which is important when you want to DPS things. I can weave flash heals inbetween smite casts.