Too many buttons. Holy Priests

well not exactly, classic wow had the same problem, especially those ability ranks which just put you in the impossible choice sometimes as lower ranks abilities were better than higher ranks in casting time or otherwise. My concern here is that I’m essentially forced to adapt to using too many abilities, and before you say I do not have to, is yes I do, because if its there and highlighted in my spellbook it looks like I’m lazy by not putting it into an action bar, while the reality is that there simply is no space for them there with the way and the muscle memory I have played since cataclysm.

If high end players like Mythic raiders or Rated PvPers want to be the masters of all, sure, make those extra abilities available as a part of a gear pieces or high level traits or something, but don’t force me to accomodate all of that when spamming mind blast on holy is just not something that I ever should have even have a choice of doing


thats more ocd, than anything my guy i cant help you there, if it helps just put them on a bindless button since you wont press them anyways

sry im arguing with 2 people and im mixing both arguments together in my head, cause the other guy wants abilities removed and not added. You just want the holy aesthetic, so a holy version of SW pain/death which is fine idc so long as the functionality exists for the spec. for example im going venthyr which has mind games, a very non-holy ability

That’s not exactly a solution either, as things change all the time, and some of those abilities may become viable at some stage, but if they’re not highlighted in your spellbook you may not even realise you’re not using them and run into the same problem of people being surprised that you are not using Power Word: Death on a Holy Priest for example.

Its just the usability issue that when you get 4 abilities you use 4 of them, when you get 8 abilities you use 8 of them, but when you get like 50 of them, you just end up picking 3 best ones and completely ignore all the others, which really brings up the whole question why are they even available if they is zero use for them?


i never use shackle or mind vision or Heal or Prayer of healing, doesnt mean i wanna take heal or prayer of healing, from those who do. and shackle is still on bar for niche situations like dks getting lichborne back or Abomb pets

picture holy word salv, i hate that talent with a passion cause we all know were being balanced around the fact we have 2 major AoE cds and its making our base kit much weaker as a result. doesnt mean i wanna take it from the raiders who like it

Well, I’m kinda on board with the other guy too, because for me there were too many abilities even before the pre-patch, but now as soon as I open my spellbook on Holy, I just want to close it because my brain overloads, and now that I have realised there are more abilities coming with joining the covenants I don’t even feel like leveling because of impeding button torrent which is really not my cup of pricklevine juice.

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id have to look and see, but i believe Rsham/Rdruid/Hpal have the most buttons for healers, with Rdruid just lapping us all cause of forms and stuff. disc has more than holy and maybe holy and MW are tied but i feel like MW might have alittle less. so your playing a spec that already has one of the least amount of buttons out of all its competitors in the healing sphere. you’ll simply need to adapt to it. complaints like yours are what gave us WoD pruning the expansion that killed holy priest for me up until now with a slight chance that it may be going back to its MoP feel. so im sorry i cant find any middle ground in removing useful tools for the spec without proper compensation, which wouldnt solve your problem regardless

Hpal looks on par with Hpriest, but Disc definitely has less abilities than Hp, and surprisingly is still manageable, and Rsham is also overkill indeed. Thankfully though, I just realised Holy doesn’t have Mind Blast, so it all might not be that bad. I might squeeze in PW:S into my bars, as that definitely was a thing that was missing, but Circle of Healing looks really useless to me, and I definitely will not have a space for Shadow spells on a purest Healing spec there is in game.

Overall, seeing how there are still more abilities coming in after level 50, I may as well just not level past 50, which may be the best solution for me for now until Blizzard actually finds the middle ground and consolidates all the currently useful tools of the spec properly, which will see them retained for the spec while at the same time won’t bloat it out of proportion and cause players having to juggle their setup for hours in the first days of a new expansion instead of actually getting to play as soon as they login with minimum adjustment required.

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Holy Priest SHOULD have shadow spells. In fact we always have. Fade, Psychic Scream, Dispel Magic, etc, Do you want those removed as well?

The thing people don’t understand is that we are NOT Paladins. Paladins forsake everything but the light, Priests do not. Priests train in both Holy and Shadow and at some point choose one to specialize in, while Discipline tries to maintain a balance between the 2.

If you think Holy should only cast Holy spells then you are confusing Priests with Paladins lore-wise.

Actually YEAH! It’s really freaking cool. I have now have a no cooldown, instant cast DPS ability, that’s awesome! I’m pissed they took away Mind Blast and Mind Sear as well, so now if we get interrupted casting a DPS spell we can’t cast a single Heal for the duration of the lockout, which is stupid.

Druids have more than us and they do just fine. Also, a very large chunk of those abilities don’t require a keybind. Are you telling me that instead of just clicking them from a random bar you have a specific keybind for Mass Resurrection and Mind Vision?

I want to play Football, but the Shoulder pads are too bulky, and the grass is itchy. If I wanted to play on grass I would be a gardener.

Macro’s are one of the main tools to manage your character in this game, if you don’t like it then there are Addons to use as an alternative. WoW doesn’t require you to use addons, you just don’t like the baseline tools they’ve given you. That’s a you problem. Though I agree the baseline tools are lacking and wonkly, they are sufficient.


Here are some that I have used in the past/still am using and others I am still playing with and tweaking as needed.

Shadow Word: Death

  • Targets enemy
  • Shadow Word: Death is default, then on Mouseover, then Focus, then [help] target if its [harm]
  • cancels annoying auras that you don’t want to right click buff off yourself

/targetenemy [noexists]
/castsequence [@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][@focus,exists,harm,nodead][@targettarget,exists,harm,nodead][]reset=5 Shadow Word: Death
/cancelaura Dispersion
/cancelaura Levitate
/cancelaura Mind Control

Smite | Holy Fire | Prayer of mending

  • Smite is Default
  • @mouseover [help] is Prayer of Mending
  • @mouseover [harm] is Holy Fire

/targetenemy [noexists]
/castsequence [spec:2,@mouseover,help]Prayer of Mending;[@mouseover,exists]Holy Fire;reset=5 Smite

Shadow Word: Pain

  • Shadow Word: Pain is Default
  • @Mouseover [harm] is Shadow Word: Pain
  • @mouseover [help] is Renew
  • For Discipline, @mouseover [harm] is Schism

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/castsequence [spec:1,@mouseover,harm]Schism;[spec:2,@mouseover,help]Renew;[@mouseover,harm][]reset=combat/target/5 Shadow Word: Pain

Flash Heal | Mind Control | Cannibalize

  • Flash heal is Default
  • @mouseover [help] Flash Heal
  • @mouseover [harm] Mind Control
  • @mouseover [dead] Cannibalize

/use [@mouseover,exists,dead]Cannibalize;[@mouseover,harm]Mind Control;[@mouseover,help][@targettarget,help][]Flash Heal

Psychic Horror | Holy Word: Chastise | Mindgames | Damnation | Void Torrent | Door of Shadows

  • Damnation or Void Torrent is Default
  • @mouseover [harm] Psychic horror OR Chastise for shadow/holy followed by Mindgames
  • @mouseover [harm] Mindgames for Disc
  • @cursor Door of shadows

/castsequence [spec:2,@mouseover,harm]Holy Word: Chastise,Mindgames;[spec:1,@mouseover,harm]Mindgames;[@mouseover,harm]Psychic Horror,Mindgames;[talent:6/1,harm]Damnation;[talent:6/3,harm]Void Torrent;[@cursor]Door of Shadows

I try to mix my macros to work for similar abilities cross spec for all my classes. But in this case, I make them work first and foremost for Shadow as Disc and Holy are secondary as I don’t play those that much. So macros might not be that well optimized for those 2 specs as I haven’t tested them that extensively yet.


My issue with people upset at too many buttons is they pruned in WoD and people were unhappy and now they unpruned and people are unhappy again and i really dont want blizz taking away buttons. More buttons can add complexity to game play, add choices etc

People discuss macros and keybinds and buttons. I will tell you the truth, i got CE this raid tier and i do +20 keys and im a keyboard turning clicker :slight_smile: So if i can make it work…

My keybinds are like roll mousy up for ptw, roll down for penance, i have on the number pad next to the arrow keys, yes the arrow keys, as 0 for essence, 1 for barrier and 2 for mass dispell and thats it lol Much to the disgust of my guild and key team. People will say im bad for being a clicker etc but i do my job


Literally I didn’t want to be rude at first but guys… There aren’t that many buttons, just learn to play around them, look for macros in guides, try to find a playstyle not everything should be given plain and simple.

I literally, LITERALLY, have a free space in my action bar where I don’t really know what I’m gonna put there because I have nothing left (Maybe SW Death but it seems kinda useless for PvE content, like a waste of GCD).

So what I’m trying to say is guys just try to find a playstyle ok, we just got into prepatch and is alright to feel weird with new additions. Just practice more.

Some of the macros people posted here actually helped me a lot (Literally I have a free space in my bar) so try to learn them and practice.


check the arguments i had with them man, my frustration built too lol. its a l2play issue here not a problem with the class.

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No we don’t. Please don’t speak on behalf of someone you are not.

Emphasis on lacking and wonky. Also it is very time consuming, and there are no official tutorials on how to use them, so unless players kindly provide handy macros like they did in this thread, then people will be either stuck with a jampacked toolbar and many dead weight abilities that everyone else will still expect them to use, or will have to spend enormous amount of time researching the macros for their class, the perspective for which is whatever the opposite of fun and thrilling is.


Sounds very weird mate!

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Yeah my guild are like how are you doing that. TBH it caused major issues for me on paranoia on mythic nzoth. My guild mates all hoped they weren’t paired with me :slight_smile:

I’d like to know what drugs your on that druids have less buttons than holy priest. When used effectively and considering all forms of both content and actual shapeshifter forms. Send me some of them drugs my guy.

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I have a druid too and yes I can confirm that druids have WAY many buttons to press in their rotations than a holy priest.


I don’t get the part of Smite and Holy Fire in this Macro.
It means whenever Holy Fire is ready to use it gets prioritized then goes to smite until cd of Holy Fire resets?

If you spam that macro, it will cast smite. but then if you mouseover the enemy, it becomes Holy Fire. Then you simply take the mouseover off the enemy and it becomes smite again.
Then if you mouse over a friendly target, it becomes Prayer of Mending.

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