Too Many Affixes Fall Directly on the Shoulders of Healers

:bacon::bacon::pancakes::pancakes: deal!

Sanguine, Greivous, Necrotic, Spiteful, DPS cooldowns/timing management, Kiting, Dealing with Fire mages, Routing, Bolstering, Storming, Quaking, And to an extent Volcanic. and in past times skittish.

Stares in Tank

Yes too much falls directly on the healers.

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That’s a complete misconception. One that is pervasive within the community i’ll admit but no, Grievous isn’t a Healer specific affix.

Every single spec in the game has defensives and some form of self healing, on top of potential conduits also improving their survivability in various ways and can manage their stacks to some extent through that, and simply by playing well, avoiding unnecessary damage and using their interrupts.

I get where the OP’s is coming from though but this is where the ability to analyze you’re own play becomes primordial. Details is an absolute must-have tool for any healers, and no its not for the HPS meter who’s mostly useless as your HPS is always tied to basically all the other variables you need to look for. What are those? Kicks, damage taken (and the sources), death recaps, dispels, purges if you’re not one of the healer who can do it himself etc.

Once you learn to use this tool, then you can start gaining confidence in your own play, while still figuring out where you can improve as you need to be able to analyze if you could had done something to prevent a death. If your party played on average properly and they still suffered avoidable deaths, you misplayed. If they didn’t, simply throw your hands in the air and requeue.

The thing with healing is that its probably the least tightly tuned thing in the game, when your group plays properly the amount of healing required drops SIGNIFICANTLY and this is where you start looking for openings to help you groups in other ways (notably dps). On the other hand, in a normal key if your group plays badly, often you can cover that gap with that margin of error.

Grievous simply heavily reduces the margin the group has for errors as a whole as it prevent you from covering it by overcompensating for the rest of them.

Neither of these affixes are remotely related to healing. They exist to enforce a form of self-control upon DPS players. If they fail at that and your group wipe to an 8+ stack bolstered mob or or 6+stacks of bursting, it has very little to do with you.

Good players recognize this and rarely blame the healer, unless its blatant he misplayed (good dps/tank players are more than capable of data analysis themselves).

Note that i don’t pretend healers can do no fault either, thinking that is a direct trap for stagnation. The best thing you can do is simply spot patterns as where things keep going wrong and look at what happens at that time and how you react to it.

I wasn’t aware of this. Mind sharing the source?


they get sooooooooooooooooooooo mad when you have to move.


They cause more drama than a Husky having a meltdown at the dog groomer when you have to move.

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there’s a dev interview. Ion said something along the lines of “M+ was designed for organized groups”

I’m trying to find it, but not going to put too much time into it. it was one of the interviews with him and lore, during BfA.

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You can google it, you can take my word for it… or you can choose to believe whatever you like, but to be completely honest I have no interest in spending a bunch of time digging through the transcripts of interviews given by Blizzard devs to appease some random forum goer.


found it


That addon is pointless. Its all data you can see on Details and generally calling someone out on the spot during a stressful situation is a good recipe for drama or ruining their focus.

It doesn’t solve anything.


It also doesn’t have any context of the situation, Sometimes you are forced into a choice of standing in DEATH or standing in something dangerous but WONT kill you.

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It only falls completely on the healers if the group is trash.


at this point in the expansion, I’m just doing +14s for vault. I stopped pushing months ago because I’m just generally un-thrilled with this season.

I overgear 14s and most of the damage I take, I can just self heal with FR (guardian druid).

some dude running elitism helper posts his results at the end and I’ve failed so bad…but it means nothing because at no point in the dungeon was I in any danger of dying.

worse is when people have it set to announce every. single. thing. in chat. so obnoxious.

I’m probably building all sorts of bad habits I’ll need to fix next season tho :confused:

I find it hilarious when they have it post ~ EVERY SINGLE THING~ and at the end they were the one that stood in the most crap.

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I play Rsham and Hpal. I wasn’t aware there was a mana bar, lul.

Can def run out of mana on Rsham in some situations if you’re not careful.

18+ Grievous Prides without a DK for example.

On paper this week looks easy, but I wouldn’t want to be a healer this week just judging by the 3 keys I ran yesterday :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The little Spiteful adds constantly keep you in combat (prevents drinking if OOM), and Prideful + Grievous can be rough with random pug teammates that may or may not push defensives/help the healer out.

I appreciate it. It was a sincere reply. I haven’t heard this stated before.

Now, with this known, it’s a little odd that it’s not designed around PUGs in a game like this, that has been big on PUGs since its inception. They even gave us a pug pet for PUGing as a bit of a joke.

There really has been a huge shift in design over the last few years, hasn’t there? Maybe that’s why I’m having a bit of an issue keeping up with retail. Just so much focus on organized group content.

I feel your pain but I’m not sure what you expect Blizzard to do about it. Affixes require the group to pay attention, and the healer is the one who compensates the most for group mistakes, it’s what you signed up for. The game would be a lot worse without these kinds of skill/awareness tests.

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They dont design the game for pug groups unfortunately