Too easy to obtain good gear?

You can’t get good gear in Retail “with just a few hours of playing”.

Wellfare epics from world quests and emissaries are not “good gear” unless you get ridiculously lucky with a very rare titanforge.

Getting truly geared up in Retail requires doing challenging endgame content, such as Mythic+10 or Mythic raiding.

And it takes vastly more than “just a few hours of playing”.

This. If OP really thinks it is possible to get good gear in just a few hours of playing, perhaps he can link us the armory of his “geared” character with 445-455 in every slot. From just a few hours of playing.

It would be fair to say your conclusion ignores Retail’s other problems, like the grindiness of the game’s progression system, the shark-jumping plot, the separate-but-equal faction content keeping the players apart, the restrictions on flight, the level scaling, the removal of PVP servers, the RNG slathered on everything, the less than ideal implementation of allied races, the crab-seagull genocide on behalf of turtles that want to make it to the water…

This is just another one of those blowhard post from neckbeards upset that other people can get gear. Other people having gear wouldnt hurt their feelings so much if they didn’t base their ego off what they have in a video game.

Go get some achievements in real life and the things other people have in a video game wont trigger your snowflake reflexes anymore.


no, what killed retail is the lack of caring from blizzard. Go play classic and then retail theres a whole different feel straight away before you even do leveling. Retail shows a severe lack of giving a crap beyond the paycheck and making investors happy. Its pretty clear now blizzard doesnt care about what we want, only what investors want hence the insane RNG on top of RNG, got to extend played time to make investors happy.

Uh, well, I guess we’ll agree to disagree. I think timed mythics are part of the problem, it’s a suck design full of toxicity that I wouldn’t touch at any level, worse than raiding perhaps in some ways, at least in a raid guild you can all go at your own pace.

“Yeah, lets do a dungeon and time it, yeah so it’s more fun!” Uh, what? I pay the same 15 you do, don’t tell me how to play or how I can or can’t get gear. There is no problem other than mythics suck and I’ll repeat, I’m not OP. I still die to elites most of the time (certain ones anyway). I’m not remotely in faceroll territory, just comfortable. I really missed your point as to why that’s bad, all I hear is that it’s almost good enough for M+ and that pisses you off for some reason.

I’ll even side with you and say maybe they did this to encourage people to raid and M+ even if we’ve been out of the loop a bit? Don’t know that it’s working, but I’ll take decent gear all day without going in an instance over gear that requires it, and blizzard has no problem with accommodating players like myself, apparently.

Benthic makes my character feel finished, just like purple hours of twilight gear made me feel “finished” doing dungeons with LFD in Cata. Now that my computer is old I can’t do dungeons anymore, and I don’t do the whole guild thing, so it’s literally grind benthic or shut the game off. I’ll take it even if it makes some people mad I guess.

I never claimed to be the best player, in fact playing on this computer and taking long breaks I’m probably even worse than I could be, but that’s not the point. I have good gear and good goals that I know I can actually do with only the daily reset limiting me, so I’m subbed, that’s the point.

You said you could boss the world in mythic 0 gear, yeah, about that, I hate mythic and would never do one even at 0 so that point kind of flies right over my head. Some of us use other means to obtain decent gear, not the best gear, never should it be the best, but it’s honestly fine as is by every metric I can think of.

No one deserves to be a completely useless character when they cap, you didn’t experience that in TBC because you had a guild. Unguilded, who’s gonna take me when it would be a pure carry run because my ilevel is the equivalent of 260 or something?

I’d much sooner collect pearl asses than get carried anyway, and that used to be the only real method of “catchup” and was unfair to asocial players imo as we literally had no way to feel like we were finishing off our character so cap felt hollow and easy to just walk away from, it wasn’t engaging unless you begged help from others I guess.

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No, the number one thing holding retail back is class design.

This is an objective truth. Really, you can’t justify it, especially considering how mythic gear is worse than benthic gear.

Hope you realize ragnaros and Onyxia got killed 1st week w/o everyone being 60. Everyone will be running around in epic purples soon in classic.

Just like all those LFR raiders who cleared mythic Azshara a week after Method did it, right?

I love how you people think you know what you’re talking about.

Because even in m/o they require IO score. Which is really dumb. One that i find funny.

Id prefer gear be more in our control.

Bring back vendors and currency. Toss this slot machine loot chest into a trash can and push it down a high cliff into a deep river where no one will ever have to suffer its crap ever again.

Wrath was when the game started giving more control to players on how we gear, play, and group. And it reached its highest peak sub numbers ever.

What happened when they started removing our choices? Down, down, down subs went, until it got so bad they stopped officially reporting numbers.


Im no wear near your ilvl and i only do world quests,world bosses,lfr and events i think people will live :laughing:.

The problem is once you’re at the end game even just starting Mythic raiding, with 440+ Ilevel, I have no upgrades from Benthic, M+ unless it SUPER forges which it never has for me, Weekly chest gives me vendor food every week… so there’s just no reward except to keep playing clear Casino mechanics… and that’s no fun for most people.

So you run higher M+ not for reward but to raise your IO score so you can run higher keys for no reward? Seems like Hell and not a fun game you actually pay for.

But your forgeting one thing about Mythic+ no lockouts you can run them forever if you like i think it evens out and is worth it if your into that.

It’s exhausting running M+ over and over… I’m not a machine dude so it’s not worth it.

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classic has lots of flaws too, people are playing it because its the new thing right now

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New is not what i would say its still old base WoW content just being re released in 2019.

It’s new in the sense that it’s different than the current grind… how do you not understand what they meant?

Nah. I don’t think that’s fair to say at all.

Vanilla is still garbage tho.

Really? Personally, I’m sure it’ll take me a long while to even hit level 60. Just like the vast majority of players who plan to play classic casually.