Too complicated?

A good fix is the way DH set currently works.

Pressing throw glaive is not fun, bloated, and lame.

Having the set, blade dance now automatically cast throw glaive. So you no longer really need to ever press throw glaive.

Stuff like that would be good ways to trim fat without necessarily removing the ability.

The game definitely would be in a much better state overall if it was massively simplified regardless of what some of the mouth breathing no lifers who play the game like itā€™s their only identity in life say.

Proof is there with mop remix, nobody cares about difficulty. Everyone can have fun and everyone gets to play the game. You donā€™t need 99 percentile players to clear content and can carry friends or bad players and still have success and fun. Obviously remix is overboard in that regard but thereā€™s definitely a middle ground for it

Remix is a prime example what retail should look like to some players . Fast and easy . Everything should be done with a click of a button . Geared instantly with no effort to get it .

Some specs are simple and some are complex. Most have different build options where you can choose to take passives instead of active abilities of you want few buttons.

Play the specs/builds you like and stop trying to take away the other options from players who like different things.

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I think learning tutorial quests and scenarios should be the answer. But thatā€™s only if they want people to improve. Itā€™s pretty clear there are lots of veteran players who donā€™t want people to learn to get better, they just want to whine about noobs who refused to be born talented and privileged as they did.