Too complicated?

If the game is too complicated then why not just simplify all of the classes and specializations? But, oh wait there are those out there that will hate on simplification because it goes against their mentality and or beliefs that the game should be complex to be good. When in fact complexity doesn’t draw in new customers but draw them away. But, thank god TWW will slowly break those barriers and yet there are already haters out there and are already against the idea of simplifying the game as a whole.


Life’s great when you don’t go out of your way to get into internet fights over video games.


True words right there :ok_hand:t2:

Edit; this could now instead become a second thread about tacos. Much tastier :taco:


That button bloat is a bit much atm, they just need to trim the fat… game isn’t complex or complicated.

The game isn’t complicated. People just aren’t as patient to learn things.

Everyone wants the best stuff in the easiest way possible. The worlds changed


humm, you seems like the type of guy who loves black morass

Given what blizzard’s doing with keeper of the grove balance druid, it’s very clear they disagree.


You have the blue post talking about it? I play druid. I can deal with the buttons, but feel they’re bloated over lol.

The problem is they’re taking a button that balance druid doesn’t want (force of nature) and turning into basically a duplicate of fury of elune, except less interactive with the rest of the kit.

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If they wanted customers at all cost they would have switched to only mobiles games. Let’s face it taking care of old customers in wow is as much important as new ones, it’s not like the game will grow as much as it did before and mmorpgs are a niche genre.

Which is also why their answers to what different kind of people want has been to offer different products and different options. The same as there are easier specs like ret or bm or you can even choose to play SoD or classic. I’m in favor of some pruning but no I wouldn’t want all specs to feel the same as ret paladin or bm but I think a lot of passive abilities could be removed without much issue the same as I don’t think you should need weakauras to play classes mostly because there’s too many buffs/debuffs to track.


Well that was a paragraph of nothin’.

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Maybe this game isn’t for you if it’s too complicating.

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Blizzard doesn’t have to worry about revenue or new player experience OP ,the amount of players that brought the special editions before the game has even launched means they can do whatever the hell they want.

Doesn’t matter if you play the game 16 hours a day or 30 mins a week. You all are one subscriber .Blizzard knows how to manipulate both of you . :stuck_out_tongue:

Ppl who whine about class balance all day are the same ones throwing money away expecting others to vote with their wallet :rofl: . This community is as worse as the Diablo one .

Rotations are mostly braindead already. Why would you want em simpler?

Go play classic? Vanilla frost mage rotation is a single button!

I mean a warrior is about as braindead as they come.

But what is with the negativity anytime someone brings up button bloat, telling ppl they should go play another game. You can enjoy a game and not like every aspect of it, eg. button bloat.

WoW is an old game and repels newcomers just because of its age and genre as a game.

MMOs are an investment and younger folk don’t like that, they want instantly gratifying games. Stuff you can jump into and out of, whereas WoW is a slow burn.

A lot of time in WoW is spent waiting, especially in endgame content.

As someone who has played it on and off for 20 years now, I think WoW is actually in a better place gameplay-wise in DF, than it ever has been before. Dragon-riding is a very solid addition.

The lore/story still could use some love though lol.

Hate to break it to you but WoW is one of those games now. WoW hasn’t been a slow burn in years. Takes like 3 days to hit max level and you can gear up in a few weeks. One of the reasons why Mythic+ is so popular is exactly because you can just hop in whenever you want.

Yeah, it kinda is, but I’m thinking stuff like Renown, and hitting endgame goals like 1800 rating for elite PvP set, or M+ mount, takes time.

Weeks to month+ on average for those things, the stuff players really want to chase.

You could sit down and do a BG or M+, but to get the juicy, cool stuff you have to invest.

i guess i was a bit negative. but the man is asking for easier rotations when they are as a baseline already pretty simple.

I’m starting to wonder if sometimes people just have different opinions.