Tome of the Eternal is missing. Enlightened Quartermaster /Solved/

Tome of the Eternal is a " Secrets of the First Ones" chapter 5 reward. But it also should be in the Enlightened Quartermasters vendor list , for players who are learning a profession after the campaign or changing professions. Like it was with Tome of Origins. If you had honored reputation you could purchuse the item from Quartermaster. Is there ways to aquire Tome of the Eternal, or this is something that needs to be hotfixed?

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Can it be that you dont have a crafting profession for legi items ? i have enchanting and engeneering. My wife got a item and has Tailoring and Enchanting. So she can craft legy items. Maby you dont have a crafting profession ?

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I got Tome of the Eternal as a chapter 5 reward. I canceled my profession and learned a new one.

That mite the issue and may have to be ticketed id still post as a bug.

Solved. I was able to buy Tome of the Eternal from Enlightened Quartermaster for 4500g after leveling profession to max and learning legendary recipes.


Glad you were able to acquire the Tome, Lightzero. It does look like there is a skill requirement involved, but it is a little confusing so we’re seeking some clarification.