Tomb Raider Drywhisker in Kriegval's Rest keeps despawning

The final boss of the Kriegval’s Rest delve keeps despawning and resetting about 30% into the fight each time. This was in a tier 2 delve. For me personally it seemed to be every time he went to use ground slam on me, he would immediately despawn at the end of the cast.

The only way I could finally beat him was to let my dps brann do all of the work while I stood on the other side of the room and tossed a heal on him every once in a while (I was a night elf balance druid.) Several other people in the delves in game chat channel were having the same problem.


Same issue here. Playing as my DK and he despawns every single time when casting Ground Slam. I managed to run away from him the first cast but he catches up and casts it again. And then despawns.


I managed to beat him by running away from the Ground Slam attack in ghost wolf with my enhancement shaman and it kind of made him continue the attack when he catches up to me instead of respawning, not sure if I got lucky or this action just makes me avoid the bug from triggering since it happened 3 times, 2 of them in the last fight


It’s still bugged. I managed to beat him by dropping Earth Ele to tank him so it seems the interaction with players is somehow resetting him.


This Bug Needs to be addressed, Thanks.


I was able to complete it by doing so little damage my pet Brann could tank it (he never fell below 70% health). It died eventually.


$15/month for this? I thought blizzard did a beta test earlier this year.

Cleared it by bringing in another player.


Still bugged. Don’t remember this being bugged in Beta.

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Same thing happening to me - Frost DK

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I did this 3 times on my Pally in the last couple days - this did not happen, no clue

BUMP. It’s bugged. Only way I could do it is what the second poster said, but on my druid. Popped Tiger Dash to speed away from him and he just continued the cast basically, but it didn’t despawn. And then it made me stuck and couldn’t do anything for a bit, but at least he didn’t despawn.

Avoid this quest delv if possible. Go do Fungal Folly instead. It’s much cuter and nicer :slight_smile:

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As a Shadow Priest this bug got very frustrating. However I got through it.

At the beginning, I just pulled and let bran take the aggro so that he slams him. Then I start to melt him down. When he attempts to slam me, I disperse, which seems to not break him, and then I killed him, before he attempts to slam me again.

Good luck…

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Confirming that it’s bugged, even when you successfully dodge his ability he will immediately cast it again once he gets within range. I will note that I was on a warlock at the time, and I tried:

keeping the candle on me
dropping the candle
getting outta dodge
asking others, yet nothing worked.

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I just put in a bug report. Not really sure what to do. When brann dies it is not rejoining my group. Eu is reporting issues too. My issue is different though same location. Seems like it is a bigger issue than just the us…

This is a joke, im on round #9 with him and i can’t complete the delve.

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+1 to this. Having same problem mob just keep resetting after you get tossed with candle. Amazing design!

Same issue here. When the boss tosses me as the tank, he just disappears. I wasted so much time thinking I was doing something wrong. I was finally able to get past it by switching to unholy and letting Brann tank the boss.

Did it as a Disc priest. Your disperse comment was the right idea. I didn’t even have to let Brann take aggro early on. I just used fade every time he used ground slam and did full dps in between and it worked.

Tough luck for anyone without an aggro drop, though.

Can confirm still bugged. Inside the Delve right now. everytime he hits you with a body slam everything is reset.

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completed this with an Unholy DK. Just sent the pets and Brann in and waited for it to die. As long as you keep your distance it seems to work. Tried a few times in blood and that was a train wreck. This really needs fixed.

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