Tolerating Multiboxing is a dangerous precedent to set

Garbage non-equivalent straw-man argument.

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Difference is, multiple players is a natural playing environment, while a guy controlling them all is not.

Is it though? Play a healer in an random BG.


All of this is fine. My issue is that there are people in this thread outright denying it gives any advantage.

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I don’t know about that, there will come a limit eventually as I’ve discussed in the ‘increase account cap threads’.

I’m back for 10 minutes to agree with this

Lol, only if you’ve never guarded Blacksmith

I do, the relative difference in organised throughput isn’t even remotely comparable.

Look, some guy wants to multi-box in some corner off by himself in PVE where he’s farming some non-shared resource, who cares, I don’t, let him run his 20 accounts. The moment he impacts other players in a direct sense (not just influencing AH prices game wide) then he’s a piece of garbage that needs to be banned (and seek help).

I say we start a movement, NMBLM Non Multi Boxer Lives Matter. We can peacefully protest in Front of blizz HQ and demand change from there.

Dying to 5 randoms is different to dying to 5 multiboxers, how?

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Is it? I guess you never blundered into a pvp flagged raid group camping your capital city.


I told you they are the 0 ground people, multiboxing certainly gives an advantage. Not enough to care about :man_shrugging:

“We have drawn a line. You’re talking about automated behavior. Multiboxing is not automated. There is no automation. There is no great advantage, there is no illicit behavior, there is no overwhelming benefit, there is no automation.”

“No overwhelming benefit”

Whenever you want to hear multiboxing gives advantages just talk to me, I’ll 100% agree :slight_smile:

Trust me it does that why I don’t do AV any more 3 multiboxers shaman wipe us repeatedly.

Such a troll…

Well using your numbers 50 characters takes 2.4 hours and 12 for a regular player.
Lets be nice and say it takes 3 hours for a multiboxer and 10 for a person instead. Now lets scale up and do 150 characters so it takes 9 hours for you and 30 for a regular human each day? See how it quickly gets impossible?

Can’t accept any arguments you may have, you could be drunk I demand breathalyzer tests for Nippyss’ posts to be approved

Here we come to the part of the show when name calling is used.


How is it a troll? :frowning:

I, uh…what?

Well you removed all doubt now. I thought you might be genuine last time I posted in one of these threads which was a while ago.