Tolerating Multiboxing is a dangerous precedent to set

New wow forums rule: You have to have to have max level character to post so you can be armoried and blow below 0.08% to post.

Because I can fight 5 randoms with human reflexes, I can’t fight millisecond response times from automated attacks.

Yeah you got me there, there aren’t 30 hours in a day so if you want to play 150 characters you’re gonna have to multibox :man_shrugging:

You can armory level 20’s… so… what?

You spent hours arguing that there is no benefit to multiboxing.

Honestly I got ready then found out the event was at 7 and not at 5 haha

My bad just make it you must post on your main.

I don’t know what’s going on? How was my post trolling? Multiboxing certainly gives advantages, Idk what else you want me to say :man_shrugging:

Why aren’t these dudes out winning WSG?

And how would the system determine what your main is? My DH was my main towards the end of BFA, but this DK is still the one I played the most.

Nothing is more embarrassing that showing up to a party early, and half naked. :grin:

Blizz should auction the right to ban multiboxing. Both sides pool their money in a gofund me, and both bid on it, winner decides what happens.

Just whichever has the most achievement points?


Let me guess, you want to administer both gofundme pages too?

Hmm,maybe they should have them pay extra in gold payment .Subtax.

They are account wide now, also you quoted my post but it shows someone else posted it?

Edit: Nevermind, showed weirdly on my end.

Your idea would also still make my DK my main, even though I was maining a DH for the last 2 tiers of an xpac.

Yah, and a certain Mining Magnate would drop several millions and that would be the end of that.

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He fixed it, I was confused too lol

There’s a mining mogul who plays wow?