You talking about doing 50 emissaries?
lol alright then
I dont think you’re bright enough to understand what a comparison or example is.
so 12 hours for a regular player and how much for a multiboxxer? Way less? less effort? You have more time to do everything else or do more emissaries if you made 50 characters on each account.
Thats more hours worth of work in a day than actually in a day.
Not really could you give details?
I wonder if we can make a gofund me page, all the people against multiboxing can donate to it, even just a dollar, if there is a million of us, thats a million dollars, then we can pay blizz to ban multiboxing. SInce whether its banned or not seems to be based on how much people are willing to pay.
You’re just arguing semantics here, the point is i can do anything with 10 times more efficiency than when i do it normally.
Next you’re gonna argue “What about 200 emissaries?” or something stupid like that.
Why don’t you try it?
wow he got emissaries done. how gamebreaking. how will I compete
If they did that they would lose a lot of money from people with multiple accounts.
Never been hit instantly by 10 simultaneous nukes in PVP? Nah that doesn’t affect anyone else’s experience …
They would gain even more money from the people who are against multiboxing, because there is more of us. Also, million dollars.
Well, assuming he’s not a glutton like me and he just does 50/10 and doesn’t scale up his operation (I went from 50 characters to 124 at the moment) it should take him 2.4 hours, 12 hours / 5 accounts
Still on the fence with that. Multiboxing all day is draining vs solo play
Go on then, start this gofund me.
More like, you’ll see the amount of money and you’ll keep some or most of the proceeds and claim it’s administrative costs. That’s how it works.
You think they make less than a million dollars every month off people multiboxing? That’s not even including the fact the million would be a one time payment and the money from multiple accounts is every month.
Rather than bribe blizz, I say we protest until they listen.
Yeah! My first multiboxer experience was in Wintersgraps during wrath, a 5 boxxing ele sham Lava Bursted me x_x
Have you never been zerged by multiple players with the same result
Well yeah if you scaled it up and weren’t satisified you can do more hours ‘worth’ of work than is possible in a day compared to a regular player. Even a botter can’t get this kind of advantage.