Told to come here by GM in Game

Per the support forum, this is where I should bring up the issue I had so somebody sees it who can actually help.

Hello CS/Devs,

I was directed here by your GM in my recent ticket. You can see details there, but to summarize:

  • Balance druid/balance spec for loot - received agility polearm from weekly timewalking quest reward that states blatantly, “Rewards a piece of equipment for your Loot Specialization.” IE, balance.
  • GM who “thoroughly researched and understands” the situation says it’s not guaranteed for the spec and links the page that says, "This includes World and Daily Quest rewards and loot containers like tokens and bags, unless otherwise specified on the container.
  • Reply back, calling them out for lack of training and/or ignoring their own rules.
  • Reply comes back that the above means that, "… it would give you any item that your class can use. If you were 100% guaranteed that you were going to get a balance specialization item, you can report this issue on our forums. This report helps developers check for possible problems and to have a full picture on how this is affecting the players experience.

So, here I am. This is reported per your GM, please can you look into and resolve it so 1) they have proper training and 2) it doesn’t happen to other players going forward.

I guess I’ll also put it on the general forum, per Vrakthis?

Feedback and suggestions can go in general, however this is a bug.

What was the staff?

It was a Timely Tourist’s Spade.

Are you sure? Based on wowhead, the chest you got it from is for gear appropriate to your level and class, not spec.

What was the name of the container rewarded by the quest?

What I see is that the containers state that the item will be appropriate for your level and class.