Tokens, last straw for me

https ://

Yeah none of this matters. That’s why the game continued to grow in popularity after wrath. Oh….wait.

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Wow, almost exactly like I said. Do you think your 5% will be the snuff out point?

My sub is unfortunately running out but I look forward to seeing the posts dwindle away on the forums as you slowly realise I was right.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, this is why you should never consult the interwebs for reliable information, news, and stories kids…

You are referring to the Internet, the greatest invention of the modern age. Where most people (including you) garner their information and facts about the world?

Where should I find this information about WoW subscriber counts, the library? Maybe I’ll ask my grandma, she’s quite wise on matters of MMORPG subscriptions.

Speaking purely objectively, how do you know this is the case?

Blizzard gave us their numbers, do you have something to prove they’re fabricated?

If you do, you should probably put up…

I’m going to quote this Gardoom because you didn’t reply to it after disparaging me.

What other resource than the “interwebs” as you put it should I collect information about WoW subscriber counts?

Maybe I can send a letter to Blizzard. Do you have their mailing address?

Alright, 50-80% leaving after the token was announced? You show me that on paper, and I’ll delete my account and every single character I have.


See, it’s not so easy backing up cheap points now is it.

What is there to back up? And how is it a cheap point. I’m saying your “numbers” are delusional at best, and completely wrong in reality.

You’re saying they aren’t. I say prove it.

I’ll wait.

Neither of those first two things are true because:

  1. You have no basis for saying they’re delusional, the forum backlash and Blizzard hiding subscriber numbers will obviously lead to speculation.
  2. “Completely wrong in reality” fundamentally underpins your misunderstanding of the conversation as I’ll delineate-
  3. These are predictions based on reasoning. You don’t “prove” a prediction, you give your reasoning for why these things might happen and then people speculate and discuss the matter.

What I’m suggesting is that there’s precedence for subscriber count drops and Blizzard’s actions reflect serious subscriber drop-off. That’s why they added H+ to increase engagement of heroic dungeons, that’s why they buffed the two most populous classes in WoTLK, and now (I’d posit) the sub numbers are still slipping, they added the token to try to squeeze money out of their remaining playerbase.

That’s tied into a number of things like the Microsoft acquisition, China banning their games, poor game releases, end of financial year coming up etc.

Saying “Lol don’t get information from the interwebs guys” is just lazy. You can wait all you want, you can drool all you want but the fact is you made a lazy statement and should be called out on it.

based on reasoning?

Your reasoning is very flawed. Again, it’s delusional. You don’t seem to grasp how large a number 50-80% is. But, given how most of your posting on the forums is Blizz bashing, complaining, and doomspeaking about the game in general, it makes sense how your reasoning would be so extremely biased.

Also, you’ve given zero factual backing for your reasoning. You’ve given vague, political, and opinion based things like:

“the Microsoft acquisition, China banning their games, poor game releases etc.”

Why the etc.? Did your brain run out of fuel?? Or did you just google search “Blizzard bad” and use the first 3 things that came up recently?

Oh and me saying

“Lol don’t get information from the interwebs guys"

Was referring to YOU. Don’t listen to the internet because people like YOU are posting ridiculous statements like 50-80% of the playerbase is going to quit, with nothing but a few headlines from the past 2 years to back it up.

Users like yourself are why people should never, ever, EVER trust anything on their screen. Because it’s steeped in stinky stinky bias and one sided arguments.

That still too lazy for ya?


Blizzard hasn’t released numbers in forever. Where are YOU getting these numbers. Telling me to google it tells me you don’t have a source.

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We all giggled about it and moved on. Really no one even bat an eye.

RMT is a series issue in Classic. If Token will help combat it, so be it.
At this point, OG Wrath already had boosts, store mount & all paid services.

Saw this earlier today on Reddit,. OP straight up said he pays $3 for sub and earns up to $3,000/month selling gold.


I do, given probably more than that have already unsubscribed from WoW classic.

I mean, you’re welcome to look up this- “That’s tied into a number of things like the Microsoft acquisition, China banning their games, poor game releases, end of financial year coming up etc.”

Are you saying that those things aren’t relevant? That they don’t exist? That I delusionally made them up?

Here I’ll expand since you seem ignorant to them-

  1. Microsoft acquisition: It’s being held up in UK courts at the moment (I believe for monopoly oversight). The reason isn’t important as the acquisition is delayed which is the key issue because-
  2. China banning their games- this was to do with Blizzard not co-managing their games with Netease, a Chinese company. So a market of billions has been stonewalled from them until they can renegotiate.
  3. Poor game releases- I mean do you really need me to explain this. This isn’t opinion, OW2 is getting trashed right now for not delivering PvE content, WC3:Reforged probably has nobody playing it due to overriding the old game while also being worse in features, HoTS is in maintenance, Hearthstone has that Hong Kong controversy, SC2 esports scene is a shadow of what it was.

Did you really need me to explain these things to you? Etc means “et cetera” meaning “and so on”, if you’ll notice I actually added the point of the financial year after my initial post, as there were other factors that I decided to add. It just left the door open to me to use more ‘brain juice’ as you put it so eloquently. I might even add more if I feel like it.

You’re referring to me as the ‘Interwebs’ in this instance? In fact, I don’t think it matters what you’re referring to here as you’re disparaging the Internet as a whole. Which is why I asked you what other sources you think myself or others should be using as a means to adjudicate WoW subscription outlook.

Yes, you’re still being lazy. Given you required me to expand upon basic Blizzard news stories just to show you how lazy you’re being.

Also- The three things I referenced aren’t really in such recent memory that googling “Blizzard bad” or any similar input would bring those things to the forefront. I’m pretty sure the sexual harassment stuff was after Microsoft announced its acquisition and several of the games I referenced were put into maintenance before it as well.

So I haven’t sequentially and chronologically picked those points as you suggest, no.

It’s probably 0.01% if that of subs lost. These people just throw out big numbers with no evidence

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I think people should be wiser about monetarily supporting companies that lie to them and disrespect their intelligence.

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LOL no I didn’t. We all know already. Everyone here has known for months/years. No one asked. And no one really cares too much anymore either.

The reason you thought you’d prove how oh-so-smart you are is, you just can’t comprehend

A. English
B. Sarcasm
C. The point of the conversation

You do love to listen to yourself talk (or type) though.

My point still stands. You’ve really got nothing to go on, and you’re still just doomspeaking.

Prove me wrong.

Wait, you can’t.

Yeah I’m good. :joy:

This is what I’m talking about. When I logged in after token dropped, most of my guild said “Oh there’s a token now, huh, that’s nice” and carried on with their game.

Before that, our GM basically said to everyone “I don’t care and I don’t want to know if you buy gold. But please don’t get banned, because we need everyone for raid. And if you get banned for buying gold you’ll be mocked in this guild forever”.

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Then why purport them to be ‘opinion’ if you already knew they were factual?

Oh right, another cheap point made by a lazy boy.

I’ll reiterate: You don’t ‘prove’ predictions. You also don’t ‘prove’ negative statements. You give your reasoning, I’ve given mine.

We’ve got several external and internal factors putting pressure on Blizzard as a company (as shown above in previous posts). We’ve got behaviour deviating heavily from #nochanges that suggest a dropping subscriber count given the nature of their implementation.

You’re welcome to ignore it and not reference it. But these points are valid and you’ve done nothing to suggest Blizzard or WoW classic is moving along in an ideal or healthy fashion. The necessity for Blizzard to feel like they need to change WoTLK after not having changed vanilla or TBC, suggests to me a deathrattle.

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