Tokens, last straw for me

Based on what info do you make that number up out of thin air?

Who can really say for sure but my common sense is telling me most people don’t want to deal with buying third-party gold personally I’ve only known 1 guy in all of classic that bought gold, the very tiny few whales that do it buy a crap ton and then that bought gold gets circulated via gdkps

As we don’t have access to the actual numbers, I’m going to err on the side of doubt in taking anything from the forums as a form of credible information when it comes to the average players feelings toward the game.

Those enjoying the game are not on the forums complaining. They’re in the game having fun - be it retail or classic.

I most assuredly doubt the token is leading to people leaving in droves as you’re implying.

We’ll see. Again, pressing X for doubt.

In fact, I’m spamming X repeatedly while shaking my head.

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Oh please spare us with the melodramatic dramatized comments.

Like I’m not even for this crap but having to constant read the “real fans” “casuals” “fan bois” bull crap is nauseating.

We get it. You are the perfect player and everything you do is as intended and everyone should just be like you. You’re perfect

Take your generalizing drama with you on your way out. Not everyone who doesn’t play your way or agree with you is a “casual” or a “fanboi”


Right back at ya, slick.

You’re the one generalizing here:

It’s apparent to me in game that a lot of people do not know about, remember, or understand how to experience the magic of this game. Any time I’ve hosted a dungeon group, people actually say how good of a run it was. Most players today are just lazy and do not communicate. They’ve in fact lost communication skills or never developed them. They mischaracterize statements. They internalize statements not even directed at them. I feel like I’m playing with a bunch of depressed people. Come to find out, during raids, most people are stoned out of their minds.

Does that make me perfect? No.
That makes you condescending.

All I’m saying is “play” is a major component to enjoying this game, and wow token fanbois are skipping the playing part in order to raid while they watch youtube blazed and/or drunk.


Wrath was never Classic. You’re fooling youself to think otherwise.

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This is what everyone said when myself and a ton of people quit when they announced no flying in WoD. Then subs dropped dramatically and they stopped releasing the data it was so bad.

But yea, only 10%, lol.


I legitimately don’t understand how the WoW token is any different than people just swiping for gold through some third party like they have been for years.

Apparently the connoisseurs in the wotlk classic community can’t make peace with anything but gold farmed in the finest of chinese sweatshops.


This is called an over reaction. I’ll see you in togc and icc buddy like the rest of us.


It’s because we didn’t want this either.

We wanted Blizzard to do the pedestrian minimal to combat botting.

When myself or others can log on and do a simple freaking /who and see 20 people with random letters in Bot or other areas day in and day out, THEY ARE NOT EVEN TRYING!

Tell me how you accomplish this, with the already little resources they put on classic? It’s not possible.

It’s because these people think that blizzard can get rid of bots at the snap of a finger. They have no idea the actual work and man power it would require.

Yea, I know right.

I mean having a couple people log into the game is a herculean effort.

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Clearly you know what you are talking about. Please tell me how you solve this from a development standpoint.

You can’t tell if someone is truly botting simply by looking at their name.


They tried to use classic as an all-encompassing term for classic-vanilla, BC, Lich, even try to stretch it out to Cata.

Classic is the level 60 game only, what you would also call vanilla. It’s uniquely its own style.

Honestly, you’re right, the dark portal is entrance to retail.


  1. Remove master looter for anyone not in the guild tagged run. Players must be a member of that guild for more than 48 hours prior to being able to receive gear.
  2. Ban all GDKPs, GDKPs will be met with 14 day bans for all participants and 6 month for organizers. No exceptions.
  3. Investigate “end point” receipt of gold transactions. If a player receives 16k gold then buys the Tundra mount, an automated script can track the money laundering.
  4. Enforce a naming convention for characters. Allow players to report for bogus names.
  5. Limit gold that can be mailed to another player to 5k max per 72 hours.
  6. Go after the RMT web sites with the same aggressiveness that they do with private servers. RMT is a violation of Blizzard’s copyright.
  7. Make further restrictions on accounts that do not have the authenticator.

That’s what I came up with in 5 minutes.

You’re right. I only want people to buy their gold from suppliers overseas like it was back in 2005!

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Great! Now imagine you are a company who has a limited resources and a budget. How to you accomplish that with the team who is probably already overwhelmed with their workload already. Also there are different types of development so some members of the team may not be qualified or have the know how to accomplish these tasks.

Yea, small indi company.

Bobby needs a new yacht.

You’re only overwhelmed if the company is setup that way. It’s still a failure on Blizzard’s fault anyway you paint it. Redirecting a couple million of the BILLIONS in profit they get annually is really going to hurt the company man.
