Token wow: why did its price go up so expensive?

I want to ask you wow community: why did the price of the wow token go up so expensive?
What are the factors behind the price rise of the wow token?
Why does blizz want to take everything else away from you?

Hide your kids, hide your wife


Fewer people buying tokens with visa/mastercard than those who want to purchase balance with gold. Happens at the end of seasons. Maybe it will go down in a couple of weeks.


End of expansion no one is putting up tokens for sale


Look up the Law of Supply and Demand. Enjoy


A lull in the game leading up to Season 4. Also Spring Sale going on, so people buying tokens to convert to BattleNet balance.

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It’s funny to think that anyone actually believes that Blizzard doesn’t have a hand in the price of WoW tokens.


I mean its ok to ask questions, but reaching a conclusion without any supporting evidence is a reach :slight_smile:

I don’t like the token’s existence but outside of its creation it does follow normal patterns for offer and demand.


Looking back over a graph of prices over the past year, I don’t feel I have any confidence in my understanding of what drives prices up and down.

It did feel like there were odd shennigans just before season 3 with sudden spikes and crashes. Perhaps we’re seeing a repeat?

The price goes up if the buyers start to outweigh the sellers.


It’s not Blizzard that’s taking the gold for a token.
The gold goes to whoever is selling the token.

i don’t think anyone has ever said they think blizzard has no role whatsoever.

most of just don’t believe there’s one mean dude in a cubicle at blizzard whose job is to personally decide what the token price should be 24/7

of course not. that’s only half the information. if you could look at price movements and determine, just based on that, what caused them… you need to get to wall street quick.


They had an initial role of setting the price, after that, its mostly hands off. They don’t care about the gold price. They only care about the $20 price.

You’d think that with 300K per token, they’d be flying off the shelves. But that’s the point, they’re not flying off the shelves. Folks aren’t spending cash on tokens.

Otherwise they’d bump the amount of gold so that more folks would buy tokens (which is where they get their $$$).

But they don’t do that, They don’t care, no reason to – its just passive income to them. Less management the better.


Whether or not Blizzard can impact the price of the token, the token is a deal made between a player buying a token and a player selling a token.

Are you saying Blizzard gets a cut?

Do you even know how this works? lol yes they get a cut, they get $20.


It’s a win either way.

Can get balance using ig gold, but if it’s expensive can get ig pretty easy for $$$.

After they introduced the ability to redeem a token for balance, the price has bigger and more frequent longer term fluctuations (not the normal daily up and down) because every time something new comes along that you can buy with balance, the gold price of the token goes up.

For example, when Diablo IV got announced, the gold price went up, even though it wasn’t for sale yet, as those with extra gold stocked up on tokens to pad their balance so they could buy Diablo IV later on. Then when the game went on pre-order, the gold price went up, too. And then again, when Diablo IVC launched, the gold price went up. All three of those events/dates were signals to players with lots of gold on hand that there was a new thing they could essentially spend their gold on via redeeming tokens for balance.

Similar trends happen for new expansions, pets and mounts and toys and transmogs in the store, other games having significant new content added, etc.

On the other side, when players need gold for gear, consumables, mats to level professions, new gold sinks added to the game, etc., the gold price goes down for a while, as those players with extra cash buy them with their extra $20’s and sell for gold, such as at the beginning of an expansion and major content patches.

You can see the history of the gold price for the token for every region at various websites, such as

/moo :cow:

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I mean…

If you map out the gold prices for tokens over time, you can see that it tanks when people need gold, with new expansion and patch releases. Prices spike when there’s other stuff to buy with Blizzard Balance, like other games or Blizzcon stuff. And then there’s a gradual upward drift through a patch or expansion as people run out of stuff that they need WoW gold for specifically.


The periods where it goes gradually but steeply upward are points where the developers didn’t implement enough persistent gold sinks in the content, like through most of Dragonflight.


blizz turned up the price to make them sell

I like to blame bots. I have no idea though. It’d be nice to get some insight into it.