Token would legit destroy tbc classic

Nihilism. You don’t care. You want the game to be murdered.

The game was already murdered by min/maxers, parsers, elitists and all the tryhards in Classic.

Ah the motto of the hardcore casual who wants everyone to play their way…by force

You know what the forums in 2005 looked like?

Raid…or die
Don’t have a guild? Too bad
Don’t have epics? Bad player

The game always had a min max culture

I don’t know if there’s a way to murdering something that’s already been murdered … but okay! :sweat_smile:

People can drop $200 or more on gold right now through bots selling it, quit pretending this doesn’t exist already. This fantasy where only blizzard sells gold is sad.

Then those people should be banned.

Problem solved. Next?

scared? what world you’re living in. This is a video game that you’re not forced to play. I’ve already uninstalled… Games old. It needed a true remaster with everything great retail has to offer.

Problem still exists. Next strawman please

:rofl: I wanna know what world you’re living in. I’m serious. Lemme in, I wanna see.

Yes. Unless if you consider nearly every server a ghost town not the destruction of an MMO, that is.

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The buyers in most GDKP runs bought gold anyway, token or not.

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Meh… I’ll just get my pally to 70 in some early pre-raid or phase 1 raid items and make 500g an hour. Even at 60 with terrible classic gear I made 200-250 gold per hour doing a 1-pull of RFD. I don’t like the idea of adding anything to the game that wasn’t in the original. But at this point BC of the rampant gold buying/selling, boosting and GDKPs incentive to buy gold… etc. I see the wow token as having more positives than negatives. Will people still be able to “pay to win”? Yes… will it inflate the economy? Probably. But my thought is that these problems already exist because of botters and gold selling/buying. Almost everyone I know who plays claims they felt like they couldn’t even play classic without buying gold when they see an item from BWL (krul axe from nef) sell for 20k in phase 6.

So… Do the same thing that any other player with an ungodly amount of gold can do.

Any out of game boost or obtained item is bad for the game, saying otherwise is like an obese person rationalizing their 15th cheeseburger.

Less stuff to get through the game, less meaning, less engagement, less players.


I wonder how many are going to be selling or buying warglaives or other special gear.

Token = the end of classic project.

If it gets added I’m quitting. I’ll just play something else. Every boost and token sale should be offset by someone else quitting.

It’s fine no Tokens for TBC BUT they need to frikk’n crack down on the gold sellers - they need to be purged, exterminated, cleansed, removed, eradicated, radiated, clubbed, choked… you get the idea. They need to get serious about culling that rot.

What raid is going to give gear to buyers before their dedicated?

A few, I’m sure

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