Token would legit destroy tbc classic

I would actually quit on the spot if they announce it.


Seriously right? Folks are using Pay to Win incorrectly constantly. Pay to win is when the game lets you buy advantages that can’t be covered by unpurchased gameplay. They just like throwing around popular phrases that they heard elsewhere.

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Every wow token thread :

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Except tokens would eliminate any remaining pugs and soft res runs. Once it enters the game the game there’s no reason to do soft res when you have to participate in gdkp to maintain purchasing power due to all the buyers raising prices on the AH.

But you didnt during all the fly hacking? The rogues pick pocketing in BRD? CREATING gold is fine but transactional is where you draw the line? Lol ok bro

People are way blowing it out of proportion. Sure it will affect the game, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to ruin your personal experience unless you let it. Some of us just want to experience the game. Some of us dgaf if the player next to us bought his gear through GDKP. Some of us don’t need to absolutely control the way everyone else thinks/plays to have fun…

It’s funny you worry about tokens but you wouldnt even be able to see the effect of them because “tokens” are already taking place via gold sellers. Pick your poison support 3rd party sellers who probably bot and ruin the experience of people trying to farm nodes/lvl or just buy directly from the developer and possibly kill majority of the bots and sketchy 3rd part websites in the process. Times have changed, literally, the old mindset of these classic expansions arent the going to be remotely the same even as much as you want them to be.

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The difference between WoWtoken vs the gold sellers and botters is WoWtoken is a legal method and more will do it thus the impact is higher compared to the few whales that buy gold from botters, Not everyone buys gold/boosts, but Most will buy the token, also the Token as has been proven, does not fix anything, Bots still run rampant, gold is still sold, and the booster bots will just be even more rampant on classic because of the more accessible gold.


I know it seems difficult to accept to give blizzard more money for something that you assume hurts the game, but people are already doing p2w bs anyway, paying mages to boost them and gold sellers, wouldn’t you rather not support them and support blizzard instead, as they make more content for us pretty often for years. MMO’s are a dying genre that many devs don’t deal with cause they’re not money makers like crappy mobile games and battle royales etc… just let em do this bs, if you don’t want it, don’t get it, you know it’s not mandatory.

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/thread :crazy_face:

One of which is against ToS and should have been properly dealt with.

WoW token does not remove any of that, and only allows buying gold to be 'OK’d" by acti/blizz so they can get a cut.

It makes the game far far worse, and something I don’t want to be a part of.

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So you were cool when that was happening. Because it took place for over a year. And at no point did you see their inaction and say enough was enough. But the token, which doesnt change the quantity of gold in the economy, no that’s too much for you… ok captain virtue signal

Find a guild and wow tokens won’t affect you. Let people play the way they want. In fact I encourage it. As my guild will sell raid slots to whalers.

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There is already too much gold in the economy, token wouldn’t change a thing.

You think its any different with the gold sellers? If Gold sellers are not ruining the game then tokens wont either. At this point its a lose lose situation for anyone who doesn’t want people buying gold. (me being one of them)

Tokens dont add gold. The gold already exists in the economy.

You can just say you’re a retail baby who doesn’t want to grind gold and wants another MTX to buy gold with without fear of being banned.

No need to go full tumblr reddit social justice passive aggressive.

Your ideas are bad,

Tokens are bad.

Go take a hike with your truly awful suggestions.

Lol ok bro. I’m sitting on 10k of legitimately earned gold ready to go for tomorrow. I’m sorry you cant justify your whine because you tolerated the obscene botting without this level of QQ. You dont really have a leg to stand on and you go for ad hominem. I win

would be great if added. this isn’t 15 years ago, the game will never be vanilla WoW EVER again.

Nope. Wrong. You’re wrong. I win, you lose. Your arguments < My arguments. Your logic << my logic. Want to try another argument? Oh look at that you lose again. Try another? Why not, oh no you lose again.

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