Token is crashing!

It probably combination of free loaders and bots that where buying tokens now they dont wanna buy cuz they dont wanna spend $15… i mean im happy , i was able to get a token on classic, for like 4k something instead of 8k

Deflation is a thing and yes people will still buy them with real money, because even though they get less numbers, they’ll get more value. It’s how healthy economies work. This is why $1 USD is better to have than 100 Japanese Yen.

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I’m completely lost, what did Blizzard do exactly?

Nothing. Token price ticked back up to 310k.

Copium thread

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What’s the fuss about then?

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The token isn’t going anywhere. If it it left I’d be quitting the game.

I wouldn’t say it’s crashing. It’s at 312k this morning

Blizz changed the requirements to pay your sub with tokens. Now you have to have paid for at least 1 full month’s sub with real money in/after 2017 to be able to pay with tokens. In theory, most bot accounts haven’t and can no longer use tokens.

So, buy up crafting mats while they’re still cheap?

Unless Blizzard sets up all proper channels to make this new verification system work it’s going to do little to no good. They will simply pay for a purchase of one of those gift cards you can find on amazon or elsewhere with the money they made and be right back at it again.

Yeah, I don’t envy Blizzard. I’ve tried to put some thought into the bot problem, but I’m at a loss.

Its up over 300k again. These things fluctuate. The price goes down, people fork over gold for them on the AH, so there are less of them and the price goes up again. Its a yoyo effect.

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Cat and mouse game, but imho the verification system isn’t terrible they just need to be willing to lose more money over it. If they expanded it to also not being able to redeem gift cards until you have had at least one purchase. It would mean you are required to have a valid credit card on your record this could make ban evasion much more difficult. At the very least it could allow you to mark certain names or credit cards as potential bots when ever new accounts are made. Allowing for quicker disposal of them, this however does come at the risk of some blowback and thus coming at a financial cost. Question is how important is the integrity of the game to them really.

This is not accurate

This is not a free market supply/demand system, although it is used as an influential input on their system

Tokens are not limited by player gold creation, bliz creates an endless amount of tokens as necessary regardless of whether a player sold them

Cash shop gold buys are the number one income source for wow by far

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Are you certain? Did the system change then? Cause if I recall when they announced this it was said that the token would always be represented with real money from someone else selling the token.

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They ban a quarter million accounts monthly on Classic for Botting

Well, you buying them with gold is predicated upon someone else buying your token with real money. One hand washes the other.

I still think people will buy them though. This is going to have a huge trickle-down effect on the economy. Keep an eye on how low all the BoEs and mats are going to drop.

… what? Someone spent $20 to put that $15 on the AH. Do you understand how tokens work?

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You would think that with all of the real world inflation screwing everybody, they would have learned that printing money is bad for the economy and their purchasing power. WoW tokens are a major cause of inflation in WoW.

It’s why we can’t have nice things, and you deserve everything you get.

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To quote Blizzard:

The gold value of a Token will be determined dynamically based on supply and demand

The availability of tokens basically may be unlimited, but the availability of tokens in the market is not. It requires someone to pay money for one and put it up on the AH. That’s the limiting factor and it is part of the value structure.