Toggle on/off dragon riding

I have many winged mounts that will be dragon-riding enabled in the Warthin.
However, I do not want to do dragon-riding at all yet I would still like to use my winged mounts using proper flight instead.
I would like to see a toggle that allows me to use all of my flying mounts using proper flight.


Can’t we do that now? It’s just not at dragon riding speeds. Nor should it be.
Oh wait, you want slow flight on DR drakes too? Yea I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.

I believe there will be a toggle once dynamic flight (dragonriding) becomes the default form of flying. Not sure exactly when it will be implemented, but I’m pretty sure it’s coming by 11.0 at the latest.


Yes, I want proper flight on all flight-enabled mounts.
I agree that proper flight should not have an increased speed; the increased speed should remain for dragon riding alone.


I hope this is true.

I like your usage of “proper flight” to reference air swimming.


(I believe the plan is still for old flying to be locked in the new zones until max level, although it will be there from day 1; politely assuming my memory of the Blizzcon info dump isn’t inserting random fantasies)

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well dragon flight is just basically “falling with style”


Yeah, that’s literally what flying is.


I agree. I think they should just split “Summon random favorite mount” into 2 forms, Summon random favorite dragonriding mount and regular summon random mount will just be ground and flying mounts (could even split into 3 but that might be too confusing to the playerbase! :upside_down_face:)

Because a toggle wouldn’t help as much if you like/use both forms of flight I think my solution is easy and elegant unless you think it isn’t.


I like how GD is so divided over flying thinking that dragon riding takes more skill than old flying.


Considering the amount of people who complain that they can’t do it I’d say it does take more skill now its not a lot of skill but its still something.

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In case you haven’t heard, the Outland dragon riding cup coming up a couple days into 10.2.5 will have a “manuscript of endless possibility” reward that unlocks the ability to randomly recustomize your dragon every time you mount it.

(Not quite the same as what you asked for but I thought it seemed relevant)


Let’s be real, Dragonriding does take significant more effort over regular flying.

For starters, more input from the player. While with old flying you can auto-key (set and forget, walk away from keyboard) and you’ll still be “flying”, as well as afking over a rare or spot without having to land.

They both have their perks though.

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I said nothing about skill. I find it humorous that “proper” flying is being used to reference something that is nowhere near the actual physics of flying.

It’s just something I found amusing, don’t read too much into it.


I…think they’ve already said somewhere that it will be something you can toggle off and on at will… nowhere does it say they’re forcing you to dragon ride

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That’s awesome! I was also hoping/waiting for that

Point up, press till out of vigor, point to destination.

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That’s my real beef with dragon riding. We’ve spent years collecting mounts only to be forced into the better of 4 models of ho hum and who cares.


Well, this already exists in the Main Campaign of the game, you just dismount in mid air from the dragon and then enter your flight form. Unfortunately, you need to land to toggle the other way around.