TOGC weekly lockout not working

Hi Everyone,

We really appreciate the reports about this and wanted to provide an update for those of you with Trial of the Crusader or Trial of the Grand Crusader lockouts that are in limbo at the moment.

We are aware of an issue that can rarely cause some raid lockouts to not properly save and will create a new raid instance when attempting to resume progress in an existing lockout. If you find that you are expecting to zone into a partially cleared instance and find yourself in a fresh instance instead, you may go ahead and clear that instance to finish out your week without fear of account action. However, we will be monitoring logs closely and groups found to have fully cleared ToC or TOGC multiple times (e.g. have killed Anub’arak more than once) within the same raid size and within the same lockout, may face account action at our discretion.

This is our bug and our mistake, and while this is unfortunate, in the interest of playing nice and playing fair, we don’t want to be too heavy handed and punish groups that may have happened upon this issue accidentally while attempting to prog and just want to get their clear for the week. We would however strongly discourage groups from attempting to deliberately reproduce this to get multiple full clears within the same lockout.

We plan to have a full fix in place by this next week’s reset (July 4th in the US region). We appreciate everyone’s patience while we’ve worked through this issue and sincerely apologize for any uncertainty or frustration that this might have caused.

Thank you!


Thank you for the clarity and allowing us to finish the raid.

Thanks for clarifying

To close the loop on this, because my guild is already asking - guilds that cleared the dungeon are able to clear up to anub again for extra loot? That same guild should not kill anub twice and are in the clear for account action? or is the response that no guilds that full clear are eligible for any additional loot while guilds that havent killed Anub get the opportunity for extra loot this week?

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That doesn’t really add any clarity for players that may have already cleared TOGC twice this week. Is there an amnesty system in place? Are players going to receive a suspension for capitalizing on a developer mistake? That would really incentivize not playing world of warcraft.


While we want to be very very fair here, we are also not looking to help anyone find loopholes to this. The simple way to look at this is:

Did I get my 5/5 clear this week in a given raid size (10 or 25)?
If yes → You are done for the week and please don’t try to get more clears/kills in that raid size.
If no → finish your current existing instance and then be done for the week.

So if you full cleared this week, you are done in that raid size for the week. Going back in and trying to find a way to get extra kills is where you might find yourself in trouble, so please just don’t do it. Like I said, we don’t want to overly punish guilds that stumbled into this while progging across multiple raid nights and sessions, but deliberate and willful exploitation is not cool, and you will know if you are doing it.

I mentioned “killing Anub’arak more than once” for simplicity, but we’ll also be able to tell if, for example, someone was able to get 3+ Twin Valkyr kills as well this week within the the same raid size, and can very safely assume they were aware that what they were doing was not correct.

Hope this helps clarify things.


Thank you for responding, I run a guild full of people who think they are lawyers.

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So those of us that full cleared we just miss out on multiple kills of the first 4 bosses?


Again, should a player that has already cleared the content more than once delete their loot and make a ticket, or should they kick their feet up and await their suspension?

If players are banned without a chance for amnesty given that this was a dev mistake, that would be pretty poor management.

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please reply if a group does every boss up to Anub and it reset do they basically get double loot on all of those bosses because they didn’t full clear???

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Yep, sounds like guilds that didn’t one-night get double chances at Death’s Verdict. :feelsbadman:


And trophies and badges, etc. Lot of good stuff they will be double tapping.

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Everyone knows that lockouts are once per week and would recognize that it’s a bug. Taking advantage of a bug for gameplay advantage is a willful violation of game mechanics. As pumped as I was when I saw there was no lockout, its pretty obvious its not intentional and going back in before Blizzard addressed it would be pretty foolish.


Yep, exactly why I made this thread

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Yep it blows. Imagine if they were just like “Yep we screwed up, have fun everyone!”


poorly handled by blizzard as usual


yeah, makes me wish we just left anub up last night and didnt just decide to kill him on normal to get the raid done. If we had just spent our time towards progression we could have just as well had double loot. Oh and an additional 20-25 extra emblems which happens to be the difference in being able to afford 4 piece sets by next week vs by week 4…

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yep we’re in the same boat. We did some Anub progression and killed him on normal so we could do Ulduar on our second raid night. Wish we’d saved some attempts.

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they need to just patch the issue and give everyone 1 extra lockout ideally

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It’s not like players had to do something odd and deliberate to reset their lockout. It just disappeared and went without acknowledgement for almost a full day.

I see what you’re saying and mostly agree but it’s not okay to make a mistake and then ban players on the grounds that “it should have been obvious” without giving them a chance to make it right on their end.

There should be amnesty before account actions. I only did TOGC once anyways, but banning people over something like that is awful policy.

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