Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

We all are.


All I got for the finale scene was a silent cutscene and beeps.

I don’t generally complain, but I won’t lie, I’m a bit frustrated that I log in to see my guild getting the earthen allied race achievement, but I can’t even pick up the quest to start it because it’s disabled.

Guess I’ll just do my dailies/weeklies and either log off or get exploded more while trying to get alchy recipes.



Here I was, excited to login to make my Earthen

So disappointing


Zero testing until it was launched and players tested it. I’m glad I’m working today until 4:30.

I love paying to be a beta tester


small indie company

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I’m not even logging in. I’ll go play Palia or Old Republic or something. I’m too tired of the absolute crap going on with this game. My guild bank is still locked down because that’s not fixed, either.

I’m tired of it all.


As much as I’ve been enjoying this expansion so far, I can’t help but wonder why I’m paying to beta test their game for them. Maybe, just maybe, you guys shouldn’t have fired most of the QA department. I’m getting frustrated.


This campaign is really lackluster, but I kinda expected a half expac considering the promises they made. I mean a new expansion a year with “major” content additions throughout virtually requires corner cutting, average writing.
I have to say, the rook content from last week was terrible. I enjoyed the burst from release but the dialogue, flying part 2 stuff seemed for the children.
Not very inspiring.

Lol, and now I can’t log in.

They shut down the beta testing in favor of just doing dungeons and raids. This was the worst beta experience since Rogues got to use mail armor.

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I love that cat

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This is awful. The community paid an early access fee to access the content early and now we are being told that the content can’t be accessed at all and you have no idea how long it will be.

Please provide a timeline for when you believe the final chapter will be back up. Is this a day-long delay? week-long? Any sense of an estimate is better than a shrug.


You are not the only one I’m sure. I myself am getting pretty close to over it.


completely awful was looking forward to being a day 1 earthen logged in to unlock this and now I go to work in 30 minutes but this is to be expected with the incomplete nature of this launch as well as the money grab i and others felt pressured into paying only to be rewarded with a reminder of where their heart truly lies

Hold on guys, I got the most original post here

“Im nOt PaYiNg tO Be A BetA TeStER”


Yep. Watching Pirate Software stream and saw he’s on earthen, excitedly logged in and found out that they took the content down between his unlock and me logging in. I hate it here.

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I mean is ANYONE really shocked? They couldn’t successfully launch a paper airplane:


Personally I’ve been loving the expansion so far but finding out the Earthen were time gated made me very frustrated and now I’m extremely frustrated. We waited. For what? So some lucky people get access but the rest of us don’t? There should be something done for this. If you can’t fix it soon just unlock the race! We waited long enough!