Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

dry up your tears buddy. i promise it will all be okay


I’m not disagreeing.

But I’ve been able to play with little to no issues since EA started. The AH has been the only thing thats been a hinderance to me personally. I’m just saying it’s rough but honestly not the end of the world.

That was not the case with other previous expansions.

Unacceptable and a slap in the face.

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This does not improve the conversation and it is criticism but I don’t understand why things like this happen after months of testing. Alpha, beta, etc. Sure, things squeak by. It happens. No human is perfect but I would imagine the smaller bugs would be considered before releasing content. Especially content that I’m sure the player community has been anxiously awaiting after having to wait. It’s very frustrating and while I’m sure it’s even more frustrating for Devs and Co, maybe some more time in QC is needed. Consider all possible issues, and problems, break things for the sake of breaking them, and test a third and fourth time.

I know, in a perfect world, that would all be possible. Wishful thinking, I guess.

There were more problems than just a cutscene. There’s at least two threads on the problems with it.

You really do want them to break this game huh? They can not even test a simple quest line, and you want them to unlock something for everyone…tisk tisk…lol

Just unlock the earthen dwarves for everyone at this point. Has nothing to do with the campaign part that released today. If we have all the other requirements done just give it to us.


i just finished the campaign what did i miss & was the new content

I’m more concerned about the quality of this content, I could care less about dwarves/earthen unlock, though I realize how much so many want this.
Based on what I’m reading, and the content so far, it’s a simple quest that takes a few minutes and a cutscene?

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The feature that y’all promoted as being an “early-access feature” still isn’t available??? All this waiting for a dwarf reskin race? Adding crystals to an existing model and we still can’t play it yet???


Yes, I want my earthen that I’ve been waiting a week for, damn the game itself lol


Yet all those people who did it prior to this sudden need to disable it are running around enjoying the allied race that was originally marketed to be available by the 26th of August… So that’s cool.

Y’all need to get your stuff together.


I’m tired boss.


Will you give us the ability to view the final cutscene again? It was some kind of draft version and only lasted maybe two seconds.

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just watch it on youtube

its weird, after all this waiting, youd think Blizzard would have done additional internal testing to make sure things worked right… instead they wait until the wire, find out somethings are bugged and extend the waiting period.

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Edit - Stop using AI to test with.

i’m always amazed at what people think unionization means


betaforazeroth was merely a setback

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Ya, Kaivax is definitely going for clicks with the vague blog.

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