Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

Here’s hoping they get things back up and running soon. My condolences to the would-be Earthen that couldn’t get to them in time

Blizzard, seriously, what is going on? How do things release in this state even after being delayed?

I just want to make my earthen…


Honestly who tests this stuff? Lmao.

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Tbh it’s a lot smoother than I anticipated and the game has been mostly playable.

Regardless, there have been issues that shouldn’t be a thing.

Hopefully this is fixed by the time I’m off work later…


No one.

nobody does.

That’s because the QA team has been nonexistent for quite some time.

No one. Us, tbh.


thanks, tried again and it worked for me this time

This is how I feel. Essentially the only reason I’m playing the expansion at the moment.


Story quests not working. Guild banks broken for 3 weeks and counting. Now they add new content and have to immediatley disable it because it’s broken. AH was broken for days. Every time they do anything, 4 more things break.



Literally one thing new this week and it wasn’t tested before release.

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sar do not redeem the campaign

its called code regression ) fixing 1 thing in code usally break 4 5 things around , its why you need good QA to catch those issues before the customers !

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really took it down bc you cant see a cut scene? lol

They apparently don’t, because we’re beta testers at this point. I’ve seen rough launches before as far as stability. WOD in particular. But I’ve never seen an expansion with this much stuff just broken.

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Come on now just calm down. Just think of the money they’ve saved getting rid of the QAs and cheer up.

Imagine timegating the poop out of this “content” only for it to be broken… sigh
poor blizz, small indie company


well it’s what happen when you hire 16 years old testers and you want to pay minimum salary for a QA.

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understanding ? how can anyone understand why this and everything else is being timegated when there has been no explanation as to why, words have meanings ya know