we do, right now
which doesn’t work
If it’s not up soon can you just give everyone earthen unlock….
Oh. This is quite ironic given I was alt tabbed from the game as I was on my way to do the campaign quest, lmao. Guess I’ll log out and wait for this all to be fixed
So hiring also falls under this?
Glad I got the quest done first. Once again: something early, something often…
It worked for me
how can a cutse be bugged ? i mean it’s literally a play video component in a video game , basement indie dev developer can figure how to play a video in a game and how did they ship their game with this bug ? Video Game industry is weird , you buy a toaster its broken you get paid back , a broken game is fine ?
To be fair there was only about 15 minutes of content, including the run time of the cinematic lol.
Go to hallowfall, kill some bugs, kill 3 bugs, go into a dark area, kill 2 mobs, kill 1 spider.
That’s it.
I guess I’ll wait then to finish it.
did you click the disc on the floor or did you just stand there and run to the forums
I give up on this game.
Oh phew.
I had just got out of the scenario when i saw this post, was still able to finish it all up and get them unlocked!
Fingers crossed that whatever needs fixing is fixed quickly for others.
To be entirely fair here, there is NO EXCUSE whatsoever for the amount of problems this expansion launched with. It should’ve been delayed by at least 2 months, possibly 3. Even now it’s nowhere near ready to go live. We’re basically in beta.
You and I are paying to be beta testers.
Early Bird gets the worm
Got mine Unlocked too
I am on the final step where you have to report back to MErrix but he doesnt ever let me report back is this because they disabled it?
Unfortunately it came out better than I expected as someone who played through the Cata pre-patch lol. Blizzards QA team is doing an outrageously bad job these days.
On the last step of reporting back to Merrix but he does nothing…is this because they disabled it?
Now now guys, Blizzard is just a small indie company, there’s no way they could have seen this coming in the beta…