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absolute nonsense! Application programmers who are this bad deserve to be fired. I wouldnt have employed any of them on any of my very complex, global projects because they are atrocious especially when it comes to (non) testing

Does literally nobody at the company dogfood their own product? How does such an obvious error make its way to live when the content was time gated?


Its tough to read when all your customer facing employees are chatgpt

Kind of surprised nobody noticed someone posting on their Earthen Shaman earlier :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Nope but Microsoft let the streamers know, so they could get theirs done and unlocked so they would be able to play BEFORE it was locked



Today I get to finish up and unlock the earthen.

Nope! :frowning_face:
I wasn’t quick enough before it got taken down.


No one at Blizzard.

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80% of the playerbase right there.

SUS, Blood elf as the race but picture is earthen

Are they fixing the bug today?

More copium.

If they release a game in “Early Access” it’s because the game may have some MINOR bugs, but in this case, the bugs are huge.

So, did it say anywhere that “you could find bugs in Early Access”? No. Besides, the game is already FULLY RELEASED. Completely full of bugs and errors, of course.

Anyways, enjoy your compium. Pay 20$ for the new race pls :slight_smile:

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Don’t know.

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I think the timegating keeps the content locusting down.

Is your character a reference to the boss of the Woodfall Temple in Majora’s Mask? If so, 10/10 reference!

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I finished the quests before they shut them down.

I’d love to know what this bug is that avoided detection on the PTR.

And while I’m complaining, why can’t they put a notice up on the Login screen and let us know when stuff like this happens?


Lucky Lucky, Grats

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It didn’t avoid detection. They just don’t read reports.

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Yes it is you savy bastard!

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This is pretty much how the software industry works. By comparison WoW is a very stable product with little more than the buggy nature of every major software product when it first releases.

But then that’s been my experience with decades of major software products.

If you really think this is not acceptable well then down load a compiler for your favorite computer language, write your own game, form a company around it and show us how it’s done.

That’s my opinion and it’s been done many times. Some times successfully, some times not.