Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

“SOON” is the ETA. As with all things Blizzard. Soon to get what you paid for, soon to get what you were promised, soon to get disappointed again.

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Nineteen more maintenance hours.

Ok so not lack of content but rather content you don’t want to do

So now whoever got it to work can unlock The Earthen and the rest of just have to wait even longer? I’m still confused why you time gated the unlock of the race to begin with… Like this is getting pretty dumb tbh.


Seriously though yall have ZERO excuse to timegate content now. Its not even for the purpose of making sure its a working product. Actually pathetic. Could have at least just made the earthen allied race unlocked by completing the levelup campaign like your promotional emails said it would: "²Playable Earthen race unlocked after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign. "


Nope this time its gonna take a lot more than a day lol


Take for what, exactly? Are people quitting?

idk i just unsubbed, but i got a few more days left from buying the early access “you are a sucker” edition

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So much copium.

The product is not fulfilling everything it was promoted and/or how it was promoted, so what do we do?

Defend the company for not delivering what was promise.

Soon* the game can be played.

*It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 25 years.

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We should get a full week of free game time after all this nonsense at the very least.

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It’s not even been 3 weeks and there’s been so many issues with bugs and controversies. People are tired.


Fair enough. Id say atleast you stand for something

People (Don’t Quit) this game, this game quits on the people. :disguised_face: :+1:

/Unsubscribing sometime.

Well, that was a short break, I’m back and ready for tomorrow’s maintenance.

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You need to have employees beta test.
Early access lets in too many people who benefit from not reporting sploits.

So we cant unlock earthern?


Ask any IT guy/woman how they feel about installing a major software product the day it comes out. A small minority will say they love the thrill of being “cutting edge” even if it means dealing with bugs.

The majority will just say “let someone else find the bugs” and they will wait until it is solid before putting it into production.

That is pretty much a computer industry standard that I was taught back in the 1970s by an older programmer who said that was the way it had worked two decades early when he was starting out.

Some where lucky and got it unlocked but as of now, Nobody can that hasn’t already started the questline.

But, if they did that, they would make as much money. It is literally no better than gold scammers

It’s called PTR and they have it but they don’t actually do the whole 'reading feedback and bug reports and fixing issues.

It’s reasonable to expect bugs now and then, no human can anticipate every problem

It’s not reasonable to expect things to be so bugged to the point of unplayability after it’s already been delayed. There is no excuse for this