Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

I knew when they said they werent gonna launch this expac for the holidays it was too good to be true.

So you’re saying, Blizzard sold us a game that is so buggy that they have to time gate content to us just so the have time to fix all the bugs?

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And it took a few hours to level, especially during the early access. What is it there to do afterwards?

Yeah that does sound like Blizzard

Imagine submitting a bug report in Beta and it never getting looked at til the day of the reset for the questline :rofl:


That sounds exactly right, yes.

Beta does not get all the bugs. Testing starts with internal testing and then, alpha, beta, early access, product release. Each stage you get a larger group. Early on you are catching bugs everyone will see and as you go along you catch more obscure bugs.

With luck when season 1 comes along the product is more stable.

That’s exactly what they do…

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Did you miss the part where people who did beta testing identified this specific bug and reported it long before it went live?

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“MY SISTER WAS RIGHT TO BURN DOWN YOUR TREE!..Ahem…Sorry that was the void talking.”

This like a new fad where they say content will be available on a certain date and then it isn’t?

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I did all the Sojourner achieves, unlocked Pathfinder, finished 90% of this questline, and managed to run some Heroics and craft stuff. Also… Pet Battles :blue_heart:

Need to reiterate (and this is important), deep dish is trash.

Well, this is why I don’t advocate pre-purchasing things. I’ll wait a month. Then, check back if it’s worth playing.

Yeah, it was disabled as I was about to confront Ms Sassy Pants. Really killed the vibe. Oddly enough, when everything cut back to my toon, all the achievements dinged for me.

This game in and of itself is fun and awesome game. But honestly, the people working on it to bring it to life are kinda garbage at their jobs huh.

Patience and understanding went out the window last week.


Absolute state of blizz gaming

So buggy? I’d say no. This product is 20 years old, it’s massive and is running in an environment no one anticipated 20 years ago. What’s amazing is how much of it is working, not how much of it is not working.

Early Access IS NOT a test enviroment plus you PAID for EA, what are you talking about?

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Has anything in this expansion worked as designed or advertised when released?