Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

of the standard

" SOON "


Well everyone was complaining about bugs from the start, as far back as Early Access. By time gating they can release the central part of the code, debug that, release another piece, debug that, and so forth.

If they released it all at once they would have to try to fix it all at once and there are not enough hamsters running in the wheel to do that.

I wouldnt expect this to get fixed or news about it for at least 5+ hours…

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Fret not. They were able to squeeze in the frost dk nerf, so theres your content for the week

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Imagine having every day since the last segment of the campaign to work on it and test it


Welcome new folk to the chapter 5 waiting room.


dont think anyone does or has worried about this game in a long time, only about wanting their money lol


What do you mean lack of content. The expansion literally launched a week ago

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Hot take - if the quest is the sole problem - and it sounds like it - they should just remove the quest and make Earthen unlocked by default on everyone’s account <3


Wait for word from Alleria Windrunner.


Who knows how long it’ll take. We still haven’t heard back about our guild banks after 3 weeks.

Imagine if they did actual PTR testing and fixing. Crazy right

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Given the nature of bug fixing, once they repair the one identified cosmic law dictates two more must manifest. And then two more, ad nauseam.

I always imagine their live service bug fixing to look like the panic scene in Spongebob’s brain.


This is the one. It’s the solution


The word is "Soon"™ :rofl:


yeah that would work for sure

Nah Blizzard’s is more like “This is fine” and then take forever to do anything.

The word from her is " HA HA HA HA HA SOON "

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Exactly my point! Always about the money, never about the quality anymore.

Ibarra sold Blizz and turned around and publicly stated he was going on perma vacation as a result lmfao

Another unnecessary wait… What a disaster, really.

As a beta tester, I had summited the bug and reported it in the forums. Where is my payment? :wink: