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Sometimes it’s rough to test new code in production.

Or they could just lop off her other arm and give us more of those sweet “place item here by clicking” quests


Personally, I couldn’t care less about the Earthen allied race unlock. I find them ugly and never plan to make one. To me they look like plastic dwarves made in a defunct 3D printer.

However, I do want a fully functional campaign with cutscenes that aren’t bugged. The campaign is the only interesting thing in a new expansion, imo, and the one thing I look forward to the most. Everything else is the same old type of content rehashed is some lame way. After 20 years all dungeons and raids start to blend together.


What I think they mean is they shouldve found this bug before things launched because now that the content was playable for any length of time wowhead and all the cinematic youtube channels immediatley drop the videos spoiling it for anyone who didnt log in the second things went up.

Why are we paying hundreds of dollars over the course of an expansion for a game that is constantly needing downtime and full of bugs that should have been fixed before the finished product is released, unacceptable.


Yeah imagine if they had that technology to test things before putting them into production. Ah we can only dream


A silent cutscene among other things is hard to miss. Blatantly poor qc


There has not been a game released out of beta since the 90s, true story

Welp, have to go to work shortly. I suppose it’s just as well, hopefully things will be up by the time I get home.


Right, it would have been better to release it right away when there was not time to fix it instead of releasing it now when there is time to fix it.

if you think this is bad check on cata classic that’s the definition of a neglected product…

BLIZZARD what about an update and not just sitting back watching us and laughing at us?

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Does anyone remember the days when you bought an expac and it came with the new race right from the start???

Peppridge farm remembers.


any update on this or go away and come back later??

The fact they do not catch critical bugs like this I would guess just means their production environment is not possible to faithfully replicate for internal testing. Which, I guess makes sense given it is twenty years of old data and who knows how many engineering hotfixes layered together and then given a huge number of people trying to access it all at once.

And why would there be no time to fix it if it came out with release?


I guess its wait and see if they ever do their jobs , and give us what we paid for


This is what happens when you don’t have a proper QA team Blizzard. Bit of a letdown but now just expect it.

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The only update you’re likely to receive is “We’re still working on it”


I could only imagine the relief for Mike Ybarra, as he’s vacationing somewhere to a tropical paradise or where ever it may be to, while not having to worry about this game anymore…