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The original version of Edge was just IE renamed. The new version of Edge is just Chrome. Literally. It’s Chrome with a different skin, Microsoft didn’t make it. Chrome is a pretty terrible browser in and of itself though. The only good comment I can make about it is “well, it’s better than IE”. That’s a low bar.

Did a ghost just sneeze behind me?

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Is Edge getting that new thing too that makes it harder for adblockers to work?

Since it’s Chrome I’d assume the answer is yes. I will not use any Chrome based browsers. Firefox only for me. And I’m blocking ads no matter what it takes, even if that means setting up a Squid transparent proxy and blocking them at the network level.

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If FireFox is gobbling up too much memory, then there is something else wrong. I know all the kids these days love Opera, because someone on social medial said it was better for gaming or something.

So, in your attempts to not create an Earthen access divide between EA and retail release date players, you created a divide in access between players who were fast enough to finish the quests and those who were not? Awesome. Surely no one will hate this at all.


Firefox has trouble with Teams, which I have to use with work =(

Opera hasn’t existed as a browser for awhile, these days it’s a Chrome skin.

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Bugs are normal. Every video game has them. It’s easy to complain about those kinds of things, but it’s just a part of live gaming.

Dagnabbit! I’m so gosh darn surprised and and angered by this!

I have to use that garbage at my work too…but my work is a VDI that I access remotely so the only thing I need on my PC is Citrix. Thankfully.

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Arg! I just got to “A light in the dark” of the achieve, only to get it snatched away from me because of this! :confounded:


I know, I was just mentioning that kids think it is better for some reason.

This one just has a bit of that salt in the wound vibe. A wound that nobody wanted. That Blizz cant justify.


Hilarious that you timegated a major feature of the expansion and, apparently, didn’t bother to bugtest it, meaning players have to wait even longer to access it…


the game is 20 years old, has run betas and public test servers for about as long, yet on this feature all those options werent available and its broken, so its just “expected”
gee if there were only a way to find these bugs before this 2 week delayed launch hmm well its just live gaming!


Look at the bright side. When it’s reenabled it should work. The cutscene was breaking. :dracthyr_shrug:

I was saying the to myself but thought maybe it was in my head. I can’t remember a time when I was bored after 5 days or so. Beautiful lands imo, but story is lousy.

Does anduin finally grow a pair in this cutscene? If not, this was all for nothing.

Hmm…You’d think after 20 years Blizzard would know how to make a process in dealing with bugs beforehand. Like PTR testing and listening to feedback and bug reports. Oh well