Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

Wait til you find out what they did to halo. Microsoft was never gonna be a great thing for this game. They probably had ai bots and 6 month contractors reading bug tickets.

You’re comparing apples to oranges. EA can give decent advantages for profession stuff like gathering / farming - but a playable race? Not even remotely comparable.

As bad as it is, if Microsoft actually directly ran it it would be orders of magnitude worse and would probably kill the game outright.

People think Microsoft release good quality products? Oh man are you going to be disappointed.

no but any sort of resource argument is completely out the window, they have all the resources in tech, how can things go so wrong?

The fact remains, why disable content that people were still able to get through.


That’s just when the next maintenance is. I have no idea if it’s true, but since OP refuses to give any more information and that announcement just popped up on the launcher, one can only assume.

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Im seeing earthen running around, where can I spend money to be on equal footing with these people?

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Generally, any Microsoft product is the worst product in its category. Office? Worst office suite. Outlook? Worst email program ever made. Teams? Worst chat program ever made. IE/Edge? Worst browser ever made. Every single product is like that.

Its possible there was some things severely wrong that broke some people’s accounts that requires dev intervention and to prevent more of that stacking up they just disabled it.

This isn’t surprising. Which is the sad part of all of this. That’s blizzard for you, the multi dollar company. Set backs after set backs after time gate after time gate. Riveting gameplay to squeeze a few extra septims out of you.

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You could just cancel your sub until it’s fixed and encourage others to do so.

I know right :joy:

More like The Wallet Without for those who bought EA!

I agree, but may wanna hope that its this thursday and not the 3rd thursday of November 2029 lol wouldnt shock me considering the lack of caring we are recieving so far

What really blows my whiskers is that they didn’t let us test this on beta at all. I guess it’s cool to want to keep it super secret but I mean this stuff still happens.

If Blizzard had a decent track record, I’d believe it. But they don’t. So…

Well, EA did come with a month of game time to subsidize them through their QA crisis.

This is starting to become a bad look Blizz.


Seriously. Give everyone a week free of sub time. This is kinda crazy.