Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

I know T_T man non-EA players had it bad

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Dey took r cutscenes!

I was just thinking the same. I thought today was just Earthen and that related quest.

I hate waiting :frowning:


Since they can obviously pull the ‘we dont know whats wrong but we will fix it eventually’ and we are supposed to be so freaking understanding does that mean we can now pull ’ I dont know why you didnt get your money this month but will get it fixed soon as we can’ and still be able to play?

COME ON BLIZZ after all these years and you still cant get it right?


time sinks added to crafting really sucks on this one to. it really does make you stop playing.

I don’t understand this line of thinking. If the part that is broken is unlocking them why would you then force the people who managed to get it unlocked to just not be able to play that character? There is no advantage they gain by having it…

People got earthen, seems to be working mostly. We should be able to do that much


I have never seen the game in this poor of a state. Sure some earlier expansions like WOD had MASSIVE server stability issues. But as far as the content itself being broken, I’ve never seen it this bad.


Just like EA wasn’t an advantage? Come on.

Apparently it was because it’s broken.

these guys are owned by MICROSOFT. what is going on?? ive never seen an expansion launch this bad, we paid to beta test content early and a week past live date things still arent ready. what has happened?

I love the communication blizzard , now that it’s broken. The communication about the release of earthen was super misleading and ambiguous - the diagram photo you posted about early access said they were included in that , then later when that wasn’t the case they we all had rumors and conjecture that it was with main release. There was almost no info on the time gating - again community had to go out of its way to knock on the blizzard blue door to get an answer. And then pushed to today , finally we get an upfront prompt that it’s broken.

Please :pray: please many people take time away from things in their lives to sit down and enjoy this content - a lot of us paid to play earthen (cool idea so kudos to artists and what not) but when you time gate and play with the community to get more play time then what they planned that’s not cool. We need upfront more prompts, you know the community has been anxious about earthen please be open in future content - thanks


So they delayed it to test for bugs, and couldn’t find the bugs until after it was released? Sounds like they should have just released it on launch then

“broken” yet people were still able to unlock earthen and play them. typical blizzard

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So do we have to wait until Thursday for this to be fixed?

You answered your own question in the first sentence.

Owned by, not run by.
Not yet, anyway.

Who knows. People have been waiting 3 weeks for them to fix guild banks, meanwhile we get crickets and tumbleweeds.

THURSDAY? wtf? Better not be freaking thursday. That’s some BS