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The War Within, the internal struggle inside of Blizzard between those who want to actually make a good product and those who just release dreck to make a quick buck. Sadly one side keeps winning over the other.

Did the same but got a muted cutscene at the end so hopefully someone will post that on Youtube.

It’s on wowhead.

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I’m so glad to be a part of the beta test. Maybe TWW will be stable in 12.3.

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No one apparently. They don’t put the story quests and cutscenes on the PTR ostensibly to avoid spoilers (although they could easily deal with this by making players sign an NDA before testing) and evidently don’t bother to play test it themselves either. The story campaign is the only reason most people even play the game at all and their ruined it with ineptitude.

Shows you as Earthen for me.


Bugs, bugs and more bugs. This is getting a bit ridiculous isn’t it?

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Wrong in my opinion…TBC and Black Temple were by far, (in my opinion at least) way wrose than this xpac…it was simply not playable for weeks and caused server crashes by the hour.

This fast means money printing? Or server breaking.

Oh boy even less content! Man TWW is boring as hell. There’s basically nothing to do. How have I already been relegated to gold farming in WEEK 1?


Not like Blizzard even listens to feedback anyways. Half the problems were in the beta and reported but still weren’t fixed


I really haven’t run into many bugs in tww honestly, the ah being the worst, but we get ah issues at the start of nearly every expansion

I had to relog three times. Forum relog.


Earthen works just fine for me!

gratz. rest of us can’t even get earthen right now…

Temporary like warbanks where we have to wait until next reset for this to work? You know what would stop this crap? STOP TIME GATING EVERYTHING.


you mean the spoiler that the quest takes maybe 60 minutes total to do all 5 parts, minus travel time, and that they were going to gate the release of them to Oz and back.

True but feedback is one thing, flagging a very obvious bug is another. They can’t very well ignore that.

It’s Blizzard. They’ll ignore anything if they can get away with it.

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Hold my beer.