Today's Dreamseed Hotfixes

This is by far the worst change. I was in a raid group with a guy that procced all 500s (2500 rep total), while i procced it once and even had one of my purple seeds proc a fat 0. Don’t worry, it counted towards my weekly 5 so i collected 5 seeds total, but only got rep for 4 of them. My running theory is that the code thought i got a lucky double 500 rep in one seed, so why not just consume 2 seeds worth of weekly charges heh.

Still not sure how i should feel about only getting 1250 rep when others are getting a full level. Not to mention that previously infinite farm was 20 rep, but after this change its 5…which means you might as well spend the exorbitant prices on the dream contract from the AH and run all the WQs in dragonflight which is just another grind? so trade one grind for another?

Do keep in mind that the grind only exists for the more serious crowd of people gunning for that renown 18 bonus and nothing else. No casual person is going to care about their rep gains anyway?

I also fail to see how this is a net improvement. Lets say you farm 100 seeds:
20 rep per seed @ 100 seeds = 2000 rep

250 rep for 5 seeds = 1250
5 rep for 95 seeds = 475
Total = 1725

Math dictates this as not an improvement. You have a net loss of 275 rep.

This whole change is like your boss telling you that the Janitor on minimum wage made 2x your salary because he hit a lucky proc on his paycheck.

Let’s see.

Max renown and knowledge points via infinitely farmable/grindable mechanics…that were reported during beta/etc…let go on long enough so that a certain bunch of people got on it early and through before they hotfixed it out for the rest of us.

Cobalt assembly leveling for that stupid ring and some recipes…let go on long enough that a similarly same bunch of people got on it early and through before they hotfixed it out for the rest of us.

Forgotten Reach…hmmm…Zaralek Caverns…storms, dream…I’m having trouble finding anything that hasn’t been done the same way. Fun and worth doing just long enough for the “right” group of people to get through and then walled off in a hotfix.

How many times does it have to happen before it isn’t stupidity, but actually intended?


Seems like a definite trend. Im starting to think they do it for the streamers and clicks. Let the elite game the system then screw over the competition. Where does this sound familiar? Im sure I’ve seen this strategy before :thinking:

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There was literally no reason to change this.

Who cares if people wanted to grind out the rep right now?? All this did was shaft the people who were actually playing and enjoying the zone.

Before, I was happily flying around the zone and contributing to each one I found with a bunch of other players. Now I have 0 reasons to do the dream seeds. It’s not worth it for such a minuscule bit of reputation. -_-


We appreciate you letting the rest of the community be able to grind 17 renoun in one day to make it fair. Oh wait we can’t. Imagine PTR testing the patch. Now a lot of us are behind cause we couldn’t stay up til 6 am/ have jobs/ worked the first day. Huge L


They hard nerfed it. Wild too because you still get 5 rep, so those of us that were farming for 20 rep each seed will just have to farm 4x as long. I have done every single world quest with a contract and am a few hundred rep short of 10 renown. Without this change I would have hit 10 last night and would be having fun leveling up my main’s renown.

you know its bad when SHADOWLANDS had more to do.
this is why the “mini” patches road was a bad idea.


You’re completely delusional if you unironically believe the 3 days is just that dude. It’s not about “end-game” at all. It’s about these people having 3 day early access to all the renown, resources and economy that comes with the new expac and every single launch bug that comes with it that will “coincidentally” only get hotfixed at the end of day 3 before the expac drops to everyone else.

It’s a colossal boon to every player who knows how to take advantage of it and keeps up to date on every accidental exploit that pops up in that time. Like literally even if there were zero bugs if you just spent those first 3 days afk stockpiling crafting reagants and/or grinding out your own professions you will 100% guaranteed make back more irl money in gold the second the expac releases to the rest of the people than you paid extra for the epic pack. Not to mention inevitably getting perma-3 days ahead on any bs daily lockout content.

It’s genuinely absurd and should be removed as a bonus immediately


I think you missed the pvp quest or some of the 7 treasures that give 220 rep reach or a side questline or you did not use the DMF buff.

The most missable side questline starts in an island on the northeast instead of in the main hub.

I’ll just say in the past 2 days I’ve got anywhere from 5 rep, to 20 rep, to 250 rep, at the seeds. I couldn’t tell you and have no idea why such a difference.

I’ll also say when it was 250, the seeds were popular and everyone was enjoying it. When it went down to 5 every soil I came across didn’t even have a seed planted and even if it did there’d be like one person.

All done, im 400 rep short of renown 10, i just didn’t farm seeds yesterday, was working and it was nerfed when I was able to get on. Used the DMF buff 100% of the time, did all but 8 world quests (will do them soon here) with the contract

I think I did all the same stuff but didn’t do any WQs outside of the zone and didn’t do the contract and I also only need ~400 more rep!

c’mon, blizz. like, why do you care if we want to waste our lives planting seeds?

I mean, YOU created this extremely compelling content. we are clearly inspired by it. just look as us go!

don’t harsh our mellow, man.


Why tf do we even have a PTR?


No, it’ll be three days of extended maintenance, bugs and exploits. Just like now. Only worse.

And no one cares if you get renown for 99% cosmetic stuff. No one cares if you farmed up those herbs and tanked the market cheaper.

It’s irrelevant.

If it came out like this, it’d be great. Instead I’m stuck living in the new zone for a month while everyone I know can be done with it by Tuesday. That feels pretty terrible.

5 rep per plant doesn’t feel good. Literally everyone 1 plant I do now, everyone I know got 50 plants worth just because they were able to play last 2 days.

I at least expected to hit 10 by now so I can jump between alts. I flew around doing every quest and WQ I could find, casually doing some rares and plants, and I’m renown 8. No quests left, only remaining source is the now GUTTTED plants and very slow WQs. All because I work for a living and had stuff to do the last two days, with near zero playtime Tuesday (patch finished ~ an hour before I go to sleep).

Meanwhile my friend and guild list is full of people who’re 12-18 renown, already got the 10 renown boosts, and many will have their runes by Tuesday without needing to go back to the zone.

Does the fix sound fine? Sure. Does it still feel horrible to be stuck in the new zone JUST BECAUSE I couldn’t play much last 2 days (business days btw…) YES.

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So heres the thing, once you release a problem into public it is out. You say you don’t want grinding to be the most efficient way to garner reputation. But after a certain point it is the only way to garner reputation. So now I’m limited to earning 5 rep every 3 mins or so if I want to farm it. That is literally the only way for my character gain more reputation at this point until friday. Then MAYBE I’ll be able to get to rep 10 and be able to work on my main.

I completely understand that there is no requirement based on player power to do this, but it is also the only current system I have for playing the game. Creating a system that gives your players an advantage for gaming it, then being upset when we do that seems a bit shortsighted. You knew the second you created the 100% buff at 10 that it would be something players would use with multiple characters to try and lessen the grind of a reputation. I also realize that with warbands coming this will likely be the last time something like this happens.

All in all, as a player who was working on the rep at 20 a piece, then got excited for 40 and then got really excited when I got 250/500, it felt TERRIBLE when suddenly I started getting 5. If the intention was to drive my game time up, this did the exact opposite. I’m not going quit or anything hyperbolic like that, but I will say the way this was handled seemed careless, shortsighted, and caused a lot of resentment.

I also don’t really understand time gating this for the players that want to grind this out quickly, likely those players are the ones that will have M+ and raid to keep them going in the near future. As it stands now, I have little to no reason to play the game till Friday night when world quests reset.

Please reconsider these changes and take your time.


Renown offers more than just cosmetic bonuses, the market does the opposite of tanking when you can stockpile full inventories of the new ore and then strategically trickle them out as soon as the floodgate opens releasing hundreds of thousands of players who need reagents and have none of them.

Just because things are irrelevant to you in particular, does not mean they are irrelevant to other players

Also it’s nonsensical to assume Blizzard would ever have maintenance like right now during the 3 days people paid extra to play. They will not risk a bunch of people who paid a premium to get ahead of everyone else being unhappy. They will let every bug and exploit casually fester to give them as much of those 3 days of playtime as possible, and then fix them all in a big fix right as the expac is supposed to open to everyone else so the peasants get further delayed from playing the content

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Renown doesn’t make or break you in three days. There is nothing that has been locked behind renown that has done this for anyone.

You, everyone and their pet squirrel putting mats on the AH is just going to tank the prices. And if you really want to try to sell that stuff for millions of gold… good luck, godspeed, no one cares if you fail at that or make millions. It’s irrelevant.

It’s irrelevant to the gameplay. None of that makes or breaks anyone. Many people don’t even play until the weekend after release because of life and jobs. They aren’t permanently behind or broke because of it and nothing about their gameplay is ruined.

LOL sure thing.

Three days does not make or break the expansion. This is nonsensical at best and no one has had a logical reason thus far in this silly debate.

The only way 3 day EA will give a tangible advantage is if there is an exploit similar to what happened with bricks in 10.1, and if Blizzard once again decides to do nothing about “exploit early exploit often” strategy.