Today's Dreamseed Hotfixes

Change the 5 turn ins to daily and increase the rep for each seed. Terrible change implemented here. Let people grind if they want to grind. Was cool seeing the Zone alive for once.


So now there’s no reason to be active in the zone all week for the rep?


The post was made 10 hours ago
So for me thats like
11:30 pm
But for the Worst Coast thats like
And hes saying “3:21 today” which is yesterday
And its my 6:21pm my time

But it was applied at 7:24 his time
So this is 10:24 my time
Was i playing then?
What was my rep?
Will i notice a difference if i check?

You will notice a difference if you “overuse” your rep tokens. Imagine before the hotfix you get a token worth 1500, then use it after the hotfix only to get 105 rep. Big RIP. Also this makes it some people will log onto the game on Tuesday, reach the cap then log off or do Raid next week. The Zone will become a ghost town like Shadowlands did after the start of the week. When I was rep farming back in Shadowlands do you know how hard it was finding people to help kill rares for rep? It will be double. It is virtually impossible for one person to do an everbloom event themselves. After Tuesday you’ll be lucky to find enough people to do the Super Bloom or the everbloom events. RIP low-pop servers.

What most of the latest comments have forgotten is that this hotfix applies to ALL rep gains not just the Everbloom events. So if you use Rep tokens, find treasures, or kill rares tied to rep after hitting your seed rep cap that rep is also reduced by a tenth of their original value.

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Oh no people are forming raid groups and doing our content. gotta stop that. Bring back legion WQ grouping most fun I ever had.

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I thought there was a video on how to get max rep in less than a week that was out before the patch came out.

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I’m sure there was. However, not many people with lives can be on the game for 20 hours straight. Only streamers that get paid or kids with no life can do that.

My guess is that they left the “exploit” in the game until all the Mythic first guilds got max rep, then for us peons, they hotfixed the rep so we can’t catch up.


When you pull the weeds, you get 4-6 dewdrops. The bugs getting squished were dropping 2. Super easy to run around in speedy druid form and get like 60 or so dewdrops within the 2 minute growth cycle. More if you swiped at lashers other people engage. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed take away this three days access early crahp. It is Bull.

Change it back. This is miserable. I just want to get to renown 10 so I can play my main


No reason not to do this with old rep for sure.

What about gathering? Cornering the market on items and reagents?

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Stuck at halfway through renown 9. Tried to complete spark of life but the zone was dead.

Feels bad, man

Exploit Early, Exploit often. Feel bad for all the folks that didn’t abuse the mechanic day 1

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I do not mind that there are weekly completion rewards, but now it feels as if that is the only reward. Its been one day and there are already very few people participating in the zone event.

I really enjoyed killing every rare for weeks to get fewer S1 sparks than people who opened dirt for like 1 day

So let me get this straight
 You Blizzard
 Blizzard, not
 Not even Microsoft
 BLIZZARD. Fixed a potential game breaking
 No let me rephrase, Actual Game Breaking bug, that people took advantage of, screwing over everyone else meanwhile the individuals who got super far ahead due to your actions get off scott free with out so much as a slap on the wrist or a character roll back? Yeah I apologize for what I am about to say cuz it might get me forum banned again. You guys were told of this damn bug in the PTR, a few people including myself, reported it to you. Yet you did nothing about it. Until now. Instead of being proactive, you once again become reactive to the fact that people were abusing this, disabled it and then made it a weekly thing and never rolled back any character that abused the exploit to begin with. Lol, you might as well throw the ToS out the damn window because you guys certainly arent upholding it.


I don’t think it was an exploit, they just want you to do 500 blooms per renown level :slight_smile:

Always the case.

It takes like 24 hours of doing it to get 1 renown level lol