Today's Dreamseed Hotfixes

Dude you are 0/9 Heroic Ab, I don’t think you have any stake whatsoever in knowing what is and isn’t a massive advantage. Like I said before, just because YOU wouldn’t see a substantial benefit from those 3 days does not mean others couldn’t derive a massive benefit from them

Lol at this post.

Dude you are 0/9 Mythic Ab, I don’t think you have any stake whatsoever in knowing what is and isn’t a massive advantage.

Because that has so much to do with 3 days of early access where you can’t even do anything end game.


I couldn’t possibly have a clue what progression content is like over my nearly two decades of playing and friends, right?!?!?! :rofl: :roll_eyes:

Y’all will try anything to look like you’re right, when you’ve been proven wrong so many times by so many people.

Have fun in your fake outrage.

I just wanna know how a blue post about yesterday’s hotfix turned into weird ranting about the 3-day early access to TWW in the epic edition bundle.

Like… how did we get here? lmao

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I’d say touche, but every relevant Mythic raiding guild is going to be playing those 3 days early just like how they were 20 renown in 10.2 by day 2 for the infinite augment rune already through the infinite seed rep farm

You’re free to cope all you like, but if that 3 days was an irrelevant nothing burger it wouldn’t be a massive selling point for the preemo edition

No one has proved anything I said wrong yet, and the metrics from the AH goblins and Mythic guilds that will all be playing and deriving unfair advantage those first 3 days will be undeniable.


All in all, as a player who was working on the rep at 20 a piece, then got excited for 40 and then got really excited when I got 250/500, it felt TERRIBLE when suddenly I started getting 5. If the intention was to drive my game time up, this did the exact opposite. I’m not going quit or anything hyperbolic like that, but I will say the way this was handled seemed careless, shortsighted, and caused a lot of resentment.

Been farming it since it came out. It did feel awful also looked like the designers were at odds with each other not knowing what to do or someone else wanted to do something and then someone put their foot down instead. This has been on ptr for WEEKS. What is the point of ptr if we already know a couple days in how players are going to do things and nothing is adjusted til it goes live?

I also don’t really understand time gating this for the players that want to grind this out quickly, likely those players are the ones that will have M+ and raid to keep them going in the near future. As it stands now, I have little to no reason to play the game till Friday night when world quests reset.

I wish I could like this part of your comment more. I’m still out here farming it with people. We are still going for it. Some people are already at 18 or 20. I’m getting close to 16. Let people just grind it out and release more content as the weeks go on to entice players to come back or add other rewards. The renown track should not be the main selling point but a bonus. We also probably shouldnt put player power in the final parts of the renown track either because players who play the game the most don’t really benefit from these things if we do the rep the time gated way that blizzard intends.

I was also irritated when obsidian got nerfed at launch but I still got my neck anyway. It is what it is and I’m used to blizzard doing this but I wish they would just let players game and not think about renown being finished early would make people stop playing. How about the incentive of the zone is continuous content as weeks come along with rewards and a strong narrative? That’d be good to do for The War Within instead of this.

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This reminds me of the water strider change. Devs gave their reasons for the change and the post rallied on for thousands of replies just screaming into the abyss.

Change is done. Yes it sucks for those who for XYZ reasons couldn’t be online yesterday but they’re not going to revert this and make everyone happy. Certainly not going to roll players back. Move on with your days, or cancel subs — this issue is no different than any other at the end of the day.

How about you as a company, Blizzard, realize that all that PTR testing was for nothing when alot of this was noted. People already have 20 renown. The fair thing at this point would be to make the seeds infinitely give 250. The rep doesn’t matter that much anyway outside of a few items that would be mightly handy going into the raid, but not so much going outside of it, sans the Augment rune. So, do the right thing, and make it happen.

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Feedback should happen. I can understand if the devs see it and do not change it again. I was frustrated enough to come here and post about it, something I don’t do usually. My hope is that my feedback will help if a decision like this comes up again.

Just sitting back, saying nothing, and doing nothing doesn’t help the designers.

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All in all, as a player who was working on the rep at 20 a piece, then got excited for 40 and then got really excited when I got 250/500, it felt TERRIBLE when suddenly I started getting 5. If the intention was to drive my game time up, this did the exact opposite. I’m not going quit or anything hyperbolic like that, but I will say the way this was handled seemed careless, shortsighted, and caused a lot of resentment.

This tbh. I’ve genuinely enjoyed Dragonflight overall even with the issues we’ve had and I’ve stayed sub the longest since legion and have done CE each tier so far. This made me come post because it reminded me of the bad times in the past we’ve had recently with blizz and it’s good to be vocal about it.

Honestly I think 5-10 is just too low. I always think back to wrath classic with rep farms because of tabards as well as sons of hodir being strong dailies that you do as well with an infinite farm with relics of ulduar. You still do the dailies for gold as well. Just make the rep a similar speed and give us lasting rewards to have us come back daily or weekly and help out others for superbloom as well as seeds.

Superblooms are another issue. They only give dew after the first one and seeds sometimes. I know its every hour but why didnt we get another rep gain activity like feasts are the start of Dragonflight for the tuskarr? I enjoyed the rep gains and it was a fun event.


Yes, belf druids when? :smile:

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As someone who found their best way of making gold to be selling herbs the first few weeks of an expansion, I’m concerned that 3 extra days of gathering, with fewer other people doing so, possibly with an extra lockout available on advancements to make gathering more efficient (like DF’s knowledge points) might mean that other players get mostly or completely shut out from being able to get a good price for mats.


There are people at renown 16 already. Why do they get to do it but others can’t?

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Highly doubtful. Mats are just going to tank after those first three days.

Exploit early, exploit often. But it honestly doesn’t matter. This is our content for at least the next 4-6 months.

ok, lets take a look at this from a similar situation that occurred in WoW not too long ago.

the dracythyr issue with world bosses and world boss mounts.

there was a small percentage of players who were able to get the world boss mounts because they exploited a bug in the system.

so then blizzard changed world boss loot to greatly increase the mount drop chance to compensate people who did not get to exploit the bug.

so, let’s do the same thing here…

increase rep from every activity to compensate people who didn’t exploit the rep gains earlier.


That’s the problem. I would like to sell some before the prices tank.


and that is a very legitimate complaint, i agree with that 100%.


You’ll have plenty of time to sell them when they even back out instead of gouging people earlier.

I agree with this. Renown is already an annoying system so faster renown gain just means less annoyance. It’s a win.