Today's 9.2 stream predictions

Not just that, but the argument falls apart the second you consider all the other things the Night Elves lost besides their capital.

The forsaken didn’t even have casualties since they were evacuated


You most definitely do as a Forsaken player. As Nigtht Elf or Alliance you get to play the grievously wronged Hero. As Horde you’ve got no choice but to walk the villain’s path no matter which course you choose. Playing Shadowlands as a Night Elf player you get tons of sympathy and support from the NPCs and the storyline if you go the Ardenweald route.

As a Forsaken player all you get is a constant reminder of how much of a villain you worked for.


They are referring to how the Forsaken as a people have it worse in-universe. Your feelings as a Forsaken player about working for a villain are not relevant to that conversation.

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It was a lose lose senario. There’s no winners in the War of Thorns.

The Forsaken banner knocked over at the Argent Tournamet really made me personally emotional. Those emotions are just as valid as Ethriel’s over the Night Elves.


I agree, but they claim the Kaldorei suffered worse than the Forsaken. There may not have been any winners, but there are losers, and not all loss is equal.

I’m simply clarifying.

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You are right, I think the Forsaken suffered more, they have suffered in silence for so long.

At least the Night Elves have unversal empathy for thier suffering.


I’m going to go on a wild card here and guess that they’re going to condense the Light is Evil expansion into a patch like they did for Nya’lotha, and that 9.2 is going to be that patch. So, we’ll be seeing AU Xe’ra, and Yrel, and maybe a Lightbound Turalyon fist-bumping with a Lightbound Garrosh, depending on whether or not they made a pit stop on Azeroth.

Basically, a filler patch, and we’ll pick up the Shadowland’s actual story come 9.3.

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There’s no Lightbound Garrosh. Exarch Hellscream has a different mother than Golka, and different DNA.


Okay? But the forsaken still have a future, even if its as villains. They got away with what they did to the Night Elves together with the Horde.

The Night Elves don’t have a future, they are gone. They might have some symphathy occasionally (and also mockery at other times), but there is no future for them as a race since everything they once had (including their existence itself) is now gone.
Give the forsaken a new city and everything will be back to normal. Give the Night Elves a city and you have an empty city standing in the middle of Horde occupied lands. What would be the point of that?

I know, I just like the sheer absurdity of it.


Do they? No Val’kyr means no new Forsaken. If they cannot procreate, then they’re more or less done.


They don’t die of old age, so what’s the problem? Even if they did have no Val’kyr left, and I’m pretty sure Sylvanas can pull them out of her rear anyway

They are not, they will decay away. That’s why Sylvanas needed to enslave Eyir for the future of her people.

Genn Greymane committed genocide himself by breaking the Soul Cage.



Legion. Omg Ethriel just play the damn game already. Stop getting your information secondhand from Youtube videos.

It’s getting annoying explaining the plot of Legion to Shadowlands to you.


Well no, I’m pretty sure you just made something up, that’s why I wanted you to source that Sylvanas wanted to enslave eyir to secure the future of her people.

Besides that, why would Sylvanas want to save the forsaken when she didn’t even care about them. If anything, she wanted them to die because she wanted to cause as many casualties as possible to empower the jailer.

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Firstly, over time they do lose their minds and revert to a mindless state. This was stated in the RPG, and we also saw it in vanilla in one of the Tirisfal quests.

Secondly, their bodies still decay, and while they may be able to harvest spare parts, that runs into problem three.

Thirdly, everyone wants them dead, and every dead Forsaken is one less Forsaken that will not be replaced.

This seems to be laboring under the impression that Sylvanas is coming back, and to the Forsaken specifically. As of now, we have no evidence of that. We don’t even have evidence of there being anymore Val’kyr; weren’t they all killed off in the 9.1 raid?


here’s your source. It’s in the Horde into to Stormhiem.

She literally talks about the Forsaken not being able to reproduce and that’s why she’s headed to Stormhiem, to secure the Valkyr from Odyn, to secure her people’s future.

Here’s Sylvanas’s intro dialogue with epic music… because I love how extra her fanbase is. Victory for Sylvanas!


Warden Stillwater’s dark experiments could also raise people from the dead. Not obly that, but perhaps Calia could repeat the process for how she became a Light-wielding undead.