Today is the fourth day in a row I've not been able to get a key off the ground

Solo queue M+ is coming.

Considering that we just got solo queue rated BGs I wouldn’t actually be that shocked if queued M+ was on the horizon in some form.

Do I want it? No. That’s not going to stop them though.

I’ve remedied the slappy hands issue by simply talenting out of it. It’s a small DPS loss but it lets me take up another defensive, so better survivability and zero chance of shenanigans.

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Sadly slappy abomination limb is causing graphical delay so I’m probably going to have to choose a new ability too. Same for FWF

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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plus i really hate the animation. its ridiculous

I am a raider. I have absolutely no idea what youre talking about.

You made the claim, you have the burden of proof.

You seem like a solid player and your complaints are definitely valid. My suggestion would be to learn to tank. If you can tank it’s easier to get your group off the ground then play your dps toons with your new M+ group when hopefully some of them try out tanking. I’ve played with mostly the same people since M+ came out in legion and we’ve all swapped roles for different seasons. If you’re serious about finding some like minded gamers to play with, I thinking tanking is the easiest way to get started.

I hope your experience improves.

Block API access, breaking raider io and other big numbers or gtfo toxicisity encouraging metrics
Ditch keys entirely for level unlocks and loot lockout
Allow reset and restart

Complete over time - one chest, lootable once a week - unlock next tier of M+ difficulties
Reset and try again, get under time - only the bonus chest, the complete chest is already looted - mount meta achievment progress (M15)
Reset and try again - get a gold time - bonus chest and teleport, title meta achievement progress (M15)

M+ is a worse, grindier version of Pandaria challenge dungeons. The current system is designed to encourage RMT carries and wasting our time

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M+ are just a bad idea for a game like WoW.

There aren’t enough people who care. Not many will be doing mythic raids.

I’ve done a few 15/16 M+ back in Legion and BfA and tbh I don’t care about doing them now. I’ll probably do some when I get geared up if my friends/guildies need someone but I will never LFG a M+. Just too much toxicity and elitism from the 0.5% of players who actually care about it.

My toons are all 585-605 and I can roll over almost any content out in the world by myself with the exception of world bosses with 300m health. So why would anyone mess with M+?. I’m 7/8 Normal Nerubar on my 605 and will be starting the raid on heroic in the next week hopefully.

I can gear up to 610+ without ever doing M+ and that is a blessing. I don’t like the timers and I sure don’t like pug players in that kind of an environment. I say this as someone with 2 tanks and 2 healers at 80 I’m gearing up close to 600 now.

I don’t believe any “normal” WoW players has the desire to do M+ right now because of the squish on M+ levels and the toxic M+ community.

Games are supposed to be fun. All the abuse from M+ players if a single thing goes wrong takes all the value out of it for me and I believe most others. Add on the super increased difficulty from the squish and there’s your answer. Nobody wants to do M+ that’s why there are so many posts about trouble finding a group. Hard to put one together if 99% or more of players aren’t bothering with +5 and higher.

M+ is what’s keeping the game going at this point.

I’ve yet to have a rager from “one thing going wrong”. Takes much more than that.


It can feel that way to a person anyhow.

If three separate people all make mistakes that cumulatively ruin the run but that last guy (who in their defense only made one of the three mistakes) takes the flak for it then it’s definitely going to feel like “one mistake caused a rager” to them.

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The intention is to show what intentionally scuffing a role for an xpac can do to have negative affects on everyone playing group content.
Tanks are rare and invited into higher keys than other roles, just like OP had to gift to his tank. Nobody won except blizz who gets the same subscription fee regardless of how bad their decisions are.

Cool, and you can invite all the people who fail keys and fail more keys with no vetting at all.

I get to choose who I play with using any metric I want. Removing the API would only mean you would get in even less groups and each one would take longer to put together. Im old enough to remember going to the IF bridge to inspect gear.

Its literally the most popular game mode, what are you on about?

Half my guild would have quit or raid log if it hadnt been implemented.

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Prolly Mjollnir rules.

You’re not worthy.

I think I’ve given up on M+ as well. If all I do is raid then I only have to play a couple days out of the week.

What was his ilvl/rating? What are your usual requirements?