Today I got the virus

I guess that was the objetive, you people did not have any good candidate.

Politicians are focused on getting re-elected, so decisions often follow the line of what’s most popular or least unpopular. What is actually good for the country and its people only sometimes coincides.

So if you haven’t been burying your head, you’d know the “vaccine” isn’t protecting from delta and they are recommending a booster to people now…

Same thing happened last time. Hillary or Trump, guess people learned their lesson and went with the not trump option the second time around.

Just once it would be nice to have candidates that wasn’t a clown show.

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So ignore the rest of what I said where Florida and Texas had lower death rates than NY/CA… okay

Hey, at least Sofia responds to you. I just get her cold sassy shoulder 24/7. It hurts bro. It hurts.

I think a whole lot of society has their brain shut off when florida is mentioned. I mean that seems to be the meme. It’s like the Pineapple Pizza of America.

uhh. you’re literally an idiot. they do. in addition, the third shot is for the immunocompromised groups.

boy what the hell

This is why.

You’re rude, insulting, and low IQ.

The Delta Variant is NOT worse than the original. It’s just more contagious.

By all reports, it’s the same, and possibly even less dangerous.

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TBH I think that is our best hope. Covid eventually mutates into a variant that kills itself off. It can happen, probably not something we should put all our money on. But it can happen. Imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up one day and hear news that covid decided to mutate into a variant which attacks itself.

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No clue who they are.

They’ve exported that idiocy here unfortunately, it’s embarrassing to watch.

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Not sure where you got the idea that it’s less deadly, it isn’t. Viruses don’t mutate into variants that are less deadly, they either stay the same or they get worse.

Research in the UK is showing that the delta variant has different effects on the body. While the alpha variant will often result in victims having flu like symptoms as well as a cough and loss of taste, the delta variant shows flu like symptoms, as well as hearing loss, severe gastrointestinal issues and blood clotting, the latter of which has resulted in cases of tissue death and gangrene.

You also have the Lambda variant which ravaged Peru in your country, which is also a strain of concern given how rapidly it is able to spread.

What do you wager is more contagious, The Stupid, or COVID.

Every organism has a strong will to survive.

A virus is no different.

I mean maybe? But it’s already been said that mutations can happen that render a virus harmless.

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  1. it is 2) hospitals know how to deal with covid much better now

The stupid, definitely…

When my state went into partial lockdowns to limit the spread of delta, there was a huge protest full of unmasked (and crucially unvaccinated) people who were demanding that the lockdown get lifted. One idiot even punched a horse that was being ridden by a police officer…


My comment was about politics in general, following on from Carhagen’s post. You think Australia is a totalitarian country, so I’m quite happy to ignore everything you say from now on…okay?