Today I got the virus

So, you have to know someone personally to believe anything about them?

So, I’m sure you know Trump personally then, right?

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Is it worse than shadowlands ?

And that’s a-okay in my book for you to take the vaccine. You are protected. My issue is forcing it on everyone, which is the way it’s headed.

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Please continue reading - you will seeI responded to somebody else who asked me if I knew people personally. Conversation, I know, it can be hard to follow.

Eh I started the “know them personally” bit.

And i respect your need for it. If i was vulnerable to the symptoms of COVID, i’d be first in line to get every jab, 8 times over.

the points is: the moral sheep are FORCING others to take it who are NOT vulnerable to COVID, all in the name of saving grandma (aka, guilt-tripping).

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And here we have a conspiracy theorist who needs to take the tinfoil off their head.

Don’t be this guy.


Well be glad you got vaccinated and your symptoms will be less “death” inducing. You can prolly thank some idiot you are around or in your circle that isn’t vaccinated for giving it too you. IMHO vaccines should be mandated just like seat belts, alcohol consumption age, smoking age, since some are too dumb and a danger to the rest.

I don’t follow you closely enough to care.

I do have you ignored, after all…

What’s the conspiracy there?

I’m going to save any praise for medical technology until this has run its course. In the beginning, some scientists were saying an effective vaccine may never be developed, yet since then, there have been dozens created.

There have been so many conflicting stories, one dose is enough, the second dose can be spaced further than originally recommended, then, no it shouldn’t be. One brand shouldn’t be given to people under 60, one causes blood clots that have killed people (but don’t worry), they should be effective against the newer strains, based on hope more than anything.

They don’t give lasting protection apparently and people who’ve been vacinated still get infected, but that’s okay, they don’t get as sick, so the story goes. The government indemnifying the pharmaceutical companies against any claims is just the cherry on top. If anything goes wrong, sod off, it’s for the greater good, which is the economy of course.

As someone who has had to deal with too many doctors who’ve failed me dismally, I have scepticism hard wired now. The medical profession is a commercial enterprise, the patient is a necessary component but not a prime one.

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I don’t use them, but I’d imagine they’re more truthful that CNN and the clowns in Congress.

Same here. Trials don’t really end until 2022/2023. Idc how much the FDA fast tracks its approval.

I appreciate choice, its a good thing. One of the big issues is that every time someone catches it and hasnt had the jab, they get very sick. They need ICU, ventilators, specialised care, etc etc and it puts a huge amount of pressure on the hospital systems. Plus of course its a terrible thing for people to get sick and die, for themselves and their families and communities.

The aim is to minimise death which I think is a good thing. So far my country has not forced anyone although some companies are starting to require it of employees. I really dont know how it will all turn out but I dont think the world will be the same from now on.

Social Distancing it works. Don’t be this guy and practice it.

Honestly my hopes and wishes you make a speedy recovery, I feel you, Sydney Australia is currently 2 months into its strictest lockdown since the delta strain hit our shores…I’m surprised you are even allowed outside, we not even allowed to leave our suburbs, one person per house hold can go shopping once a day for groceries…

Get better soon, please stay in touch and keep us updated on your recovery.

Actually that’s the worst thing you could do, but I’m not going to bother trying to explain a flame to freeze something.

Yeah, you’re right. The reality is, a bat was flying along, and pooped. The poop landed in the open mouth of a pangolin who was just trying to watch the clouds. The pangolin was then hunted by voracious humans for its meat, which was sold at a meat market in Wuhan. This meat markets’ proximity to the Wuhan lab of Virology, which admitted they were doing COVID research already (including whistleblowers that worked there) is a coincidence only and NOT part of this story. A hungry man bought the delicious pangolin, cooked it over a medium-heat with red onions and diced carrot, then consumed his exotic meal.

This resulted in patient zero, and marked the first day of Carhagens great crusade to spread her infinite wisdom across the unvaccinated population of Terra; this was effectively done by her famous mantra, “COVID is deadlier than Polio”.


Lolol that was savage.

I’m stealing this.

I mean I hear this on the media/twitter and such, but the hospital I work at has zero cases. I’m also in the Northeast so maybe it hasn’t hit here yet, but I’m hearing NY is bad also… Working with covid the last year and a half, I’ve kinda grown used to it. And for me personally, I have the antibodies since I’m around sick people before they actually test positive and all I’m wearing is a flimsy cloth mask. Hate to say it, the average age of death is 65-70s… and they accounted for 80%.