Not as much as you would expect… Its quite lonely there…
Sorry to hear that. Keep at it and some weirdo will let you get some riding in of your own.
you cant make this crap up. You actually said that, and proudly in a public setting.
I just cant.
thank-you for existing; after reading “COVID IS DEADLIER THAN POLIO” i was about to just walk away from society, but i found this right after.
again, thank-you for existing.
No, it is actually a dumb move. Here younger people are catching and dying because they didnt feel they needed to get the jab. Me personally, Id rather not find out I had ‘crap’ immunities when I got it and died. Its a bit too much of a hard way to find out.
I get my second shot in about a week. Cant come too soon.
Good luck, OP. Stay positive, look after yourself, keep isolated.
That’s because the “common cold” isn’t a single virus, but a vast array of tangentially-related rhinoviruses. The amount of effort it would take to develop a vaccine for all of them would cripple the medical industry.
That said, they need to stop calling whatever this thing is that they made to buffer CoVID-19 a “vaccine.” Vaccines are effective at immunization because they interact with the natural process that your body uses to develop antibodies, whereas this makes an end-run around that and tries to program your immune system to make knockoffs of someone else’s antibodies.
These kinds of rapidly-developed, experimental treatments have been around for decades; they use AIDS patients as guinea pigs. Not once, not EVEN ONCE has this been called an “HIV vaccine.” And much like the attempts made at treating HIV by these means, the best outcome you can hope for is a reduction in the severity of symptoms, if it works at all – using retroviruses to splice DNA is notoriously unreliable. The worst outcome, and this is why it has been specifically targeted at AIDS patients, is that it screws up your white blood cells eventually causing your immune system to fail. That’s going to happen to them anyway, so it’s considered a negligible risk.
Does that risk sound negligible to all of you? Five to ten years down the line when all these corporations have been given carte blanche tort immunity? Because it isn’t for me. This reckless panic-driven quackery will be a crisis unto itself.
Yeah, because I’m right…
COVID has killed over 600,000 Americans, 500,000 of them in one year alone. It surpassed the yearly deaths from the common cold in a month, and the common cold kills around 60,000 a year in America (doesn’t always peak at that number, but the worst it’s gotten is around 61,000).
Polio peaked at almost 58,000 cases in America, and just under 3,200 deaths.
If you can’t see the difference and want to hold onto your lethality rate % like it’s gospel without factoring in how easily COVID spreads, how quickly it mutates and how it can can easily decimate older populations, then I don’t know what to tell you other than that you’re clueless and need an education.
every time i try to explain this very thing to people, they roll their eyes, call it a conspiracy theory, and ignore it.
Its like Morpheus trying to wake people up from The Matrix; some don’t want to know the truth. Its such a fascinating aspect to human psychology.
People thought cigarettes were safe at first… give it time, then we can see the reality of it. My point was choice, not being a jerk about others not taking them.
population was way different back then… of course the total is less, but percentage it isn’t…
not only that, but doctor’s endorsed them.
Not according to Biden. He says once you’re vaccinated you can’t catch it. But then again what do you expect from him.
Polio has existed for a very long time. To quote Wikipedia: By 1910, frequent epidemics became regular events throughout the developed world primarily in cities during the summer months. At its peak in the 1940s and 1950s, polio would paralyse or kill over half a million people worldwide every year.
At least Bush Jr. was a comic.
God bless you and your patience to help guide the lost sheep back to the ranch of sanity.
That’s a trait I lost a long time ago; one of my many flaws
Hope you get better soon!
The total population of America wasn’t as small as you think. It was 160 million people at that time. Sure it’s doubled since then, but that doesn’t really change the fact that Polio wasn’t as deadly as COVID.
Polio did have a higher lethality rate than COVID does. But it did not spread as quickly. In order to spread from person to person, you had to drink from a contaminated source of water or eat contaminated food, since polio spread primarily through fecal-oral transmission (meaning you had to ingest a contaminated persons fecal matter to catch it). So it was rather easy to avoid.
Compare that to COVID, which can be spread from person to person just by having an infected person breathing next to you, and that small lethality rate suddenly starts killing a LOT more people because of how quickly it spreads. It also mutates quickly (something Polio didn’t do as rapidly) and the new variants are more contagious and deadlier. The Delta variant is deadlier than the original Alpha variant, and the Lambda variant which ravaged Peru is even more contagious and deadlier than the Delta variant.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I personally would of voted for him to make sure angry twitter man didn’t get back in office -didn’t vote for him tho- Shrek would of been better then angry twitter man.
Hope you get well soon. Covid delta variant is spreading in our area. We are now in a red zone…
The pcr tests are fake. Probably got pneumonia.