Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

Yet another reason why you should read my posts carefully:

In the same way how RMT gets banned. When people report them and Blizzard thinks it’s valid to ban them.

Yea people getting banned for no reason is a bad thing, don’t know why you think it’s fine

They’re not weak excuses, they shut down every single one of your bad ways to handle boosting

You might wanna just go scorched earth with it cuz boosting killed your dog or something, but the sane people don’t want the player base/game to be damaged over removing something they can’t remove entirely

“Hey man let’s allow hacking, RMT and exploitations because you feel sorry that false reporting them is so bad. Think about the rare cases and let’s allow everything because I feel sorry for one.”

How does your extreme rare case feel now?

About bloody time.

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Good job missing the point of my argument entirely and making up your own to fight against

Good luck digging your heels in with this

Also you said boosting/RMT an awful lot so I think you’re actually trying to advertise it and should be banned, the thing you said should happen

can’t wait until they decide using addons is cheating and bannable.

there are people in this very forum who feel that way. get to it, guys! blizzard has proven they will cave to whining if there’s enough of it.

Oooh you’ve finally hit the point where you realize your point is useless.

According to your replies, you have no faith in Blizzard being able to differentiate between an innocent ban and a justified ban so why do we need any enforcement at all?

I love how you say “Lol you must be advertising RMT” just because I used it as an example.

Your desperation is so obvious.

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I wouldn’t say using addons is cheating, but at the very least if they’re going to account for addons in their designs (in raids and M+, mainly) they really should roll those addons into the game so they’re the baseline.

it’s true the token is what keeps making blizz look good on quarterlies and pvp carries sure helped that token buying lol. there are so many people doing it quite humorous when people deny it. bought as bad as people saying there tons playing people might be subbed but they sure ain’t playing and all the negative crap going on good luck pulling yourself out of this hole blizz. tokens might of made the game worse than actual gold sellers eh?

I did and I still dont know who is reporting then to blizzard

Good. Because Blizzard knows how to deal with them. Not you and not me.

Notice how it’s regulating RMT better? Same way, when reports are done for gold boosting Blizzard will decide and accordingly ban if it’s valid.

There you go. Easy answer.

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no, but some people here do say that. i talked to one of them a few days ago. if enough of them start complaining, that’ll be next on the chopping block.

It isn’t bad for the game though. It is good for the game’s financial health. That is probably why Blizzard allows it. Though they did say it wasn’t allowed in their god-awful LFG tool. Only in trade chat. So they should enforce that.

Eh, i’m of the mindset I’d rather them not waste time on thing that people are still just going to keep using the addons for anyway because the prefer the way the addon does it.

Apart from the real life money Blizzard benefits from due to tokens, I can’t see any way where boosting in game is not bad for the game.

I have (had) contact with a lot of multiboxers and i was a multiboxer too, most multiboxing WAS done for different farms, PVP and having fun with it, not botting raw gold, it can be proven by the druids on Nazjatar and the PVP multiboxers, but i dont know if they are going to lose money with it, because those articles and videos about multiboxing were hurting wow reputation.

That’d be entertaining.

pvp boosting is sketch, it actually can ruin the experience for others

But pve boost, eh, what other people do in their pve has no bearing on me.


It’s happened before when they broke the Addon for Group Finder :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with this generally.

I’ve see the pvp boosting first hand, we’re bad at pvp, like super bad, only 1050, but when you roll up in a 2s match and one person has like 45k hp and the other like 20… yea…

And then you can’t even hope to win even though its 2v1 because they’re just vers stacked lol.

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