To Writers: From a Nelf fan

Worlf of Warcraft: Stormrage

If you’re a WoW Druid, this book’s for you. It features all the major druid characters, and players. I love it. Love it, love it.

Screams internally.
I do prefer the "War Against The Nightmare" version in Chronicles better, though I do think it would have been a better entry if it also mentioned Shandris Feathermoon, Broll Bearmantle, and Hamuul Runetotem's involvement as well. Though I thought it was a really great answer to why Fandral was gathering Morrowgrain.

By chance could you explain why you didn't like Stormrage? It would probably be appropriate for this thread.

I can see why people were upset with Wolfheart pretty clearly, but besides Knaak's Dragon Ball Z style writing and his OCs - which have pretty much been 404'd if they haven't been killed off - I can't quite recall a reason for why people would be upset specifically with Stormrage?
10/20/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Amadis
I can't quite recall a reason for why people would be upset specifically with Stormrage?

I know quite alot of people take umbrage at Lucan Foxblood, since he's a Human hamfisted into a story about Night Elves, and Druids, a class Stormwindian Humans can't even play. He also pushes the "Humans are amazing" trope that fans of other races hate so much, with his super-special Emerald Dream powers.
For Night Elf fans there really is nothing else I can say but sorry. I made this fairly recently for a friend.

Would something like this be an improvement in the Night Elves story? I've also been considering working on a few other stories involving the Night Elves that I see as plot holes (specifically why and how they joined the Alliance) would something like this help?
10/20/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Galenorn
10/20/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Amadis
I can't quite recall a reason for why people would be upset specifically with Stormrage?

I know quite alot of people take umbrage at Lucan Foxblood, since he's a Human hamfisted into a story about Night Elves, and Druids, a class Stormwindian Humans can't even play. He also pushes the "Humans are amazing" trope that fans of other races hate so much, with his super-special Emerald Dream powers.

I can definitely agree with this, but it's been a while since then, and Lucan Foxblood has never been mentioned again, but that is also why my preference is for the "War Against The Nightmare" version in Chronicles, yes.
Also Knaak is a terrible writer who gave us the War of the Ancients trilogy, forever tainting WoW and Night elf lore.
10/20/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Resìleaf
Also Knaak is a terrible writer who gave us the War of the Ancients trilogy, forever tainting WoW and Night elf lore.

Yeah.... I was definitely happy to not see any of Knaak's characters in the Well of Eternity dungeon.

But I was rather irked at seeing Rhonin riding Korialstrasz and Broxigar during the "Ravencrest's Legacy" quest chain.
Hello everyone.

It means a lot to me to see the thread kicking it here. The more it's out there, the more likely it is to be caught by the CDevs. Which is kind of the goal. Now, there's been subject being brought by other people that I think can help expound the feelings on Night Elves' story more and I do hope the Devs take note of these too because many certainly resonate with me as well.

I would like to mention one thing, however, which refers not to the specific point raised by my post, but mostly speaks to both Devs and people who've been interacting here for its sake. That is, I won't be keeping keeping this thread alive myself for long.

The story of Warcraft meant a lot for me. You've heard many reasons why before, and you certainly have your own and have even heard more dramatic ones. For me WoW was the first time I came out of my shell in voice chat, developed friends online, as an ESL person, I developed my english skills, spoken and written, to english-speaker native levels, and it was a videogame I played with my father.

It's this kind of connection all of us players share to various degrees with a game that we play for long that I intend to appeal to the Devs with: I know they're not without it. It varies from person to person. Most don't likely care for the story but for me, the story was hand in hand with everything else.

Seeing it turn into what felt so vindictive, pathetically enough, seemed personal and wounding. Despite fully understanding its context as a product made by a company of hundreds of people who must obey a financial bottom line and acquiesce to gameplay necessities, it still became more than I was willing to suffer. It was literally, not good for my heart.

I am 110, with no BfA achievements whatsoever, because I cannot play a game that feels like that for me. And to be honest, even keeping up with its lore is an exercise in masochism; it feels somewhere between a madman picking at a bloodied scab obsessively, and hanging on to a splintery barrel to keep from the briny depths of a maelstrom.

The sole reason why I am capable of posting this with no account is because of the very recent promotion that gave old account users a 3 day long trial and boost to BfA. Once it's over, I will not be able to post any more. With that in mind it might be a bit more understandable that I seriously mean thanks to everyone who's posting here and such, who still have some manner of hope, or who are at least willing to share their distaste and concerns. That's important, wether some people believe it or not.

I still have one more post that I want to touch a little bit later where I will expand on what's some desires right now, as a fan, to see. maybe I'd dare to call them ideas. Though again (As Amadis recovered from the GD forum post <3), it's hard to expand upon them without sounding ridiculous, naive, or worse, treading on other people's enjoyment on the story. I'd love this to be solved: I'd loathe for the story of Night Elves to be fixed in exchange for the fans of the Forsaken to end up feeling like I do. I don't want that for anyone.

I think my time's almost up, if I well remember when I activated it. So again, thanks, and I hope you forgive the somewhat melodramatic tone of this particular post. I'll post that thing a bit later today.
The thoughts here reflect mine completely, every time before I've held out some hope that the story just goes back to ignoring we exist. It was better that way.

Through the past few months, it's caused me to disengage from the story completely. It turns out the story was one of the reasons I played. It has lead to my collection of my 6-7 active accounts in Legion dwindling down to 2.

3 temporarily, as I subbed again on US realms to reply to the OP (I feel quite strongly about it. I know many others that have lapsed subs due to this as well - frustrating way to lose contact with people)

(To be a little more lighthearted, i'd forgive a fair amount of the story if the GCD changes were revoked, so the combat was actually enjoyable again. I can totally be bought in different ways)
To Writers: From a NElf Hater

Hi five bros!
To note, I do not believe the writers dislike Night Elves. I think more simply the writers have a lot of focuses to juggle, and more likely get tunnel visioned into writing whatever their current focus is or trying their best to fit to what already established gameplay demands of them. This would reflect more the problem of them starting story threads and then forgetting to go back to them, even when it would be fitting for them to, as they are likely so focused on whatever story thread they have to be that they haven't thought about the idea of tying the dangling threads to it at all.

But this is my greatest current concern, that after moving on from Darkshore, the Night Elves will just be left with pretty much being still at where they've been since the BfA pre-patch: Fighting for Darkshore with no progress to be held.
10/20/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Resìleaf
Also Knaak is a terrible writer who gave us the War of the Ancients trilogy, forever tainting WoW and Night elf lore.

That's your opinion. I thought it was an excellent story that gave a solid connection to WOW lore and the lore of the RTS game. We finally got a good look at what the Night Elves were like before the Sundering, it gave us background to Ravencrest until now had only been a monument in Azshara. (Wonder if it's still there post Cataclysm.) And the Horde got a rocking new hero out of it.
10/20/2018 07:50 AMPosted by Skalla
10/20/2018 07:40 AMPosted by Laralyn
She's my favorite Legion companion. I don't quite understand part of your comment. Her stag form is the same as mine. I don't generally see it that often as she's usually either in night elf, panther, or stormcrow form. If I remember correctly in cataclysm she's an Order of the Talon druid.
They mean when she's the companion of a Horde druid. She just mimics the stag form of whatever faction you are in. I have a Troll Druid alt and have her as a follower and whenever I shift into stag, she turns into a Horde stag.

No she doesn't. I just haven't been in that many situations where she assumes stag form. She takes the Horde stag form, because her forms are fixed no matter who takes her. I find that rather annoying but not nearly as annoying that I would find her taking the Horde flight form. As it is the fact that she is taking a Horde form really violates her Night Elf identity.
10/21/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Drahliana
10/20/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Resìleaf
Also Knaak is a terrible writer who gave us the War of the Ancients trilogy, forever tainting WoW and Night elf lore.

That's your opinion. I thought it was an excellent story that gave a solid connection to WOW lore and the lore of the RTS game. We finally got a good look at what the Night Elves were like before the Sundering, it gave us background to Ravencrest until now had only been a monument in Azshara. (Wonder if it's still there post Cataclysm.) And the Horde got a rocking new hero out of it.

It also completely invalidates Warcraft 3 and the first meeting between Orcs and Night elves.
10/21/2018 10:10 AMPosted by Laralyn
10/19/2018 04:34 PMPosted by Amadis
It is funny that I was ecstatic to see Thisalee Crow on our side during testing of the Alliance side version of the Darkshore Warfront. It was a considerable relief after they gave her the Horde's version of Stag Form when she was a Druid player's bodyguard in Legion.

I just haven't been in that many situations where she assumes stag form. She takes the Horde stag form, because her forms are fixed no matter who takes her. I find that rather annoying but not nearly as annoying that I would find her taking the Horde flight form. As it is the fact that she is taking a Horde form really violates her Night Elf identity.

I also found it annoying that they gave her a polearm instead of her knives as a bodyguard. But the brown Stag Form was especially strange. Was neat to see that she was Feral, though, since I main Feral - and will go back to Feral if 8.1 really does fix our problems. It's looking promising.

10/21/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Drahliana
We finally got a good look at what the Night Elves were like before the Sundering, it gave us background to Ravencrest until now had only been a monument in Azshara. (Wonder if it's still there post Cataclysm.)

The Ravencrest monument is still there post Cataclysm, yeah. I far prefer the look we got into the War of the Ancients in game and the background we got on Ravencrest through Jarod and Illidan in Legion, as well as the summery in Chronicles. Though I do wish the War of the Ancients had been an entire raid as it was originally proposed to be instead of just the dungeon we got. However, the dungeon is particularly beautiful. I had also strongly wished that in Legion they had upgraded the War of the Ancients with a Mythic version like they had done in giving Scarlet Monastery a Heroic version during Mists of Pandaria.
10/21/2018 08:36 AMPosted by Snikrot
To Writers: From a NElf Hater

Hi five bros!
Aren't you also the moron that thinks they're for edgelords and doesn't know the difference between Korean and Japanese?
10/21/2018 10:10 AMPosted by Laralyn
10/20/2018 07:50 AMPosted by Skalla
...They mean when she's the companion of a Horde druid. She just mimics the stag form of whatever faction you are in. I have a Troll Druid alt and have her as a follower and whenever I shift into stag, she turns into a Horde stag.

No she doesn't. I just haven't been in that many situations where she assumes stag form. She takes the Horde stag form, because her forms are fixed no matter who takes her. I find that rather annoying but not nearly as annoying that I would find her taking the Horde flight form. As it is the fact that she is taking a Horde form really violates her Night Elf identity.

Broll uses the Horde stag form as well. I kind of want to think it's to make it distinct from the Night Elf/Worgen PC travel form.

Or, y'know...
*drags out the old "Horde bias" arguments*
Awhile back, I posted some threads, as well as participated in other threads, saying how the way Night Elves are treated is partly root in misogyny. I am not the only one who feels this way, but as you can imagine, the response to such a claim is pretty overwhelmingly negative, and I don't mean to derail this with all that but hear me out:

Isn't it a bit suspicious that the race characterized by it's matriarchal roots and strong female characterization, to also be the commonly victimized race?

I could just be a coincidence, but this is something we see in film and other media all the time. Women are often given these "Phoenix rising" story arches where they are victims of physical or (more often) sexual assault, and it's suppose to be this whole "rise and overcome" story arch, and this "Powerful in spite of this horrible event." Which is like... Okay, is that the only way a woman can be powerful? Personally... I don't think there is anything empowering about being a victim... Yet here we are again, those who connected with characters like Tyrande, Maiev, Shandris and Night Elves in general or being powerful women on the basis of being powerful women alone, are being told that you are not powerful on your own, you are not powerful unless you are first made to be a victim.

We are glorifying victimhood for women. It's something women can't seem to escape in media and entertainment, and the Night Elves, for me, was an escape from that. That has disappeared.
10/22/2018 09:58 AMPosted by Akiyass
Isn't it a bit suspicious that the race characterized by it's matriarchal roots and strong female characterization, to also be the commonly victimized race?
Maybe they should cede control to the men.
10/22/2018 10:02 AMPosted by Jerolan
10/22/2018 09:58 AMPosted by Akiyass
Isn't it a bit suspicious that the race characterized by it's matriarchal roots and strong female characterization, to also be the commonly victimized race?
Maybe they should cede control to the men.

Is your male ego thoroughly stroked now? Was that snark really necessary?